Appendix A: Search Application Tips

FTS is primarily designed to support Boolean full-text queries - queries to find the set of documents that match a specified criteria. However, many (most?) search applications require that results are somehow ranked in order of "relevance", where "relevance" is defined as the likelihood that the user who performed the search is interested in a specific element of the returned set of documents. When using a search engine to find documents on the world wide web, the user expects that the most useful, or "relevant", documents will be returned as the first page of results, and that each subsequent page contains progressively less relevant results. Exactly how a machine can determine document relevance based on a users query is a complicated problem and the subject of much ongoing research.

One very simple scheme might be to count the number of instances of the users search terms in each result document. Those documents that contain many instances of the terms are considered more relevant than those with a small number of instances of each term. In an FTS application, the number of term instances in each result could be determined by counting the number of integers in the return value of the offsets function. The following example shows a query that could be used to obtain the ten most relevant results for a query entered by the user:

-- This example (and all others in this section) assumes the following schema
CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE documents USING fts3(title, content);

-- Assuming the application has supplied an SQLite user function named "countintegers"
-- that returns the number of space-separated integers contained in its only argument,
-- the following query could be used to return the titles of the 10 documents that contain
-- the greatest number of instances of the users query terms. Hopefully, these 10
-- documents will be those that the users considers more or less the most "relevant".
SELECT title FROM documents 
  WHERE documents MATCH <query>
  ORDER BY countintegers(offsets(documents)) DESC

The query above could be made to run faster by using the FTS matchinfo function to determine the number of query term instances that appear in each result. The matchinfo function is much more efficient than the offsets function. Furthermore, the matchinfo function provides extra information regarding the overall number of occurrences of each query term in the entire document set (not just the current row) and the number of documents in which each query term appears. This may be used (for example) to attach a higher weight to less common terms which may increase the overall computed relevancy of those results the user considers more interesting.

-- If the application supplies an SQLite user function called "rank" that
-- interprets the blob of data returned by matchinfo and returns a numeric
-- relevancy based on it, then the following SQL may be used to return the
-- titles of the 10 most relevant documents in the dataset for a users query.
SELECT title FROM documents 
  WHERE documents MATCH <query>
  ORDER BY rank(matchinfo(documents)) DESC

The SQL query in the example above uses less CPU than the first example in this section, but still has a non-obvious performance problem. SQLite satisfies this query by retrieving the value of the "title" column and matchinfo data from the FTS module for every row matched by the users query before it sorts and limits the results. Because of the way SQLite's virtual table interface works, retrieving the value of the "title" column requires loading the entire row from disk (including the "content" field, which may be quite large). This means that if the users query matches several thousand documents, many megabytes of "title" and "content" data may be loaded from disk into memory even though they will never be used for any purpose.

The SQL query in the following example block is one solution to this problem. In SQLite, when a sub-query used in a join contains a LIMIT clause, the results of the sub-query are calculated and stored in temporary table before the main query is executed. This means that SQLite will load only the docid and matchinfo data for each row matching the users query into memory, determine the docid values corresponding to the ten most relevant documents, then load only the title and content information for those 10 documents only. Because both the matchinfo and docid values are gleaned entirely from the full-text index, this results in dramatically less data being loaded from the database into memory.

SELECT title FROM documents JOIN ( 
    SELECT docid, rank(matchinfo(documents)) AS rank 
    FROM documents
    WHERE documents MATCH <query>
    ORDER BY rank DESC 
) AS ranktable USING(docid)
ORDER BY ranktable.rank DESC

The next block of SQL enhances the query with solutions to two other problems that may arise in developing search applications using FTS:

  1. The snippet function cannot be used with the above query. Because the outer query does not include a "WHERE ... MATCH" clause, the snippet function may not be used with it. One solution is to duplicate the WHERE clause used by the sub-query in the outer query. The overhead associated with this is usually negligible.

  2. The relevancy of a document may depend on something other than just the data available in the return value of matchinfo. For example each document in the database may be assigned a static weight based on factors unrelated to its content (origin, author, age, number of references etc.). These values can be stored by the application in a separate table that can be joined against the documents table in the sub-query so that the rank function may access them.

This version of the query is very similar to that used by the documentation search application.

-- This table stores the static weight assigned to each document in FTS table
-- "documents". For each row in the documents table there is a corresponding row
-- with the same docid value in this table.
CREATE TABLE documents_data(docid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, weight);

-- This query is similar to the one in the block above, except that:
--   1\. It returns a "snippet" of text along with the document title for display. So
--      that the snippet function may be used, the "WHERE ... MATCH ..." clause from
--      the sub-query is duplicated in the outer query.
--   2\. The sub-query joins the documents table with the document_data table, so that
--      implementation of the rank function has access to the static weight assigned
--      to each document.
SELECT title, snippet(documents) FROM documents JOIN ( 
    SELECT docid, rank(matchinfo(documents), documents_data.weight) AS rank
    FROM documents JOIN documents_data USING(docid)
    WHERE documents MATCH <query>
    ORDER BY rank DESC 
) AS ranktable USING(docid)
WHERE documents MATCH <query>
ORDER BY ranktable.rank DESC

All the example queries above return the ten most relevant query results. By modifying the values used with the OFFSET and LIMIT clauses, a query to return (say) the next ten most relevant results is easy to construct. This may be used to obtain the data required for a search applications second and subsequent pages of results.

The next block contains an example rank function that uses matchinfo data implemented in C. Instead of a single weight, it allows a weight to be externally assigned to each column of each document. It may be registered with SQLite like any other user function using sqlite3_create_function.

** SQLite user defined function to use with matchinfo() to calculate the
** relevancy of an FTS match. The value returned is the relevancy score
** (a real value greater than or equal to zero). A larger value indicates 
** a more relevant document.
** The overall relevancy returned is the sum of the relevancies of each 
** column value in the FTS table. The relevancy of a column value is the
** sum of the following for each reportable phrase in the FTS query:
**   (<hit count> / <global hit count>) * <column weight>
** where <hit count> is the number of instances of the phrase in the
** column value of the current row and <global hit count> is the number
** of instances of the phrase in the same column of all rows in the FTS
** table. The <column weight> is a weighting factor assigned to each
** column by the caller (see below).
** The first argument to this function must be the return value of the FTS 
** matchinfo() function. Following this must be one argument for each column 
** of the FTS table containing a numeric weight factor for the corresponding 
** column. Example:
**     CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE documents USING fts3(title, content)
** The following query returns the docids of documents that match the full-text
** query <query> sorted from most to least relevant. When calculating
** relevance, query term instances in the 'title' column are given twice the
** weighting of those in the 'content' column.
**     SELECT docid FROM documents 
**     WHERE documents MATCH <query> 
**     ORDER BY rank(matchinfo(documents), 1.0, 0.5) DESC
static void rankfunc(sqlite3_context *pCtx, int nVal, sqlite3_value **apVal){
  int *aMatchinfo;                /* Return value of matchinfo() */
  int nCol;                       /* Number of columns in the table */
  int nPhrase;                    /* Number of phrases in the query */
  int iPhrase;                    /* Current phrase */
  double score = 0.0;             /* Value to return */

  assert( sizeof(int)==4 );

 /* Check that the number of arguments passed to this function is correct.
 ** If not, jump to wrong_number_args. Set aMatchinfo to point to the array
 ** of unsigned integer values returned by FTS function matchinfo. Set
 ** nPhrase to contain the number of reportable phrases in the users full-text
 ** query, and nCol to the number of columns in the table.
  if( nVal<1 ) goto wrong_number_args;
  aMatchinfo = (unsigned int *)sqlite3_value_blob(apVal[0]);
  nPhrase = aMatchinfo[0];
  nCol = aMatchinfo[1];
  if( nVal!=(1+nCol) ) goto wrong_number_args;

 /* Iterate through each phrase in the users query. */
  for(iPhrase=0; iPhrase<nPhrase; iPhrase++){
    int iCol;                     /* Current column */

 /* Now iterate through each column in the users query. For each column,
 ** increment the relevancy score by:
 **   (<hit count> / <global hit count>) * <column weight>
 ** aPhraseinfo[] points to the start of the data for phrase iPhrase. So
 ** the hit count and global hit counts for each column are found in 
 ** aPhraseinfo[iCol*3] and aPhraseinfo[iCol*3+1], respectively.
    int *aPhraseinfo = &aMatchinfo[2 + iPhrase*nCol*3];
    for(iCol=0; iCol<nCol; iCol++){
      int nHitCount = aPhraseinfo[3*iCol];
      int nGlobalHitCount = aPhraseinfo[3*iCol+1];
      double weight = sqlite3_value_double(apVal[iCol+1]);
      if( nHitCount>0 ){
        score += ((double)nHitCount / (double)nGlobalHitCount) * weight;

  sqlite3_result_double(pCtx, score);

 /* Jump here if the wrong number of arguments are passed to this function */
  sqlite3_result_error(pCtx, "wrong number of arguments to function rank()", -1);