附录F 索引



* 2

+ 2

,(comma) 8

,@(comma-splice) 8

- 2

/ 2

< 2

<= 2

= 2

> 2

>= 2

` (backquote) 8

abs 2

alist 10

amb 14

and 4

apply 3

association list, alist 10

assv 10

atan 2

#b(binary number) 2

begin 1 3

  implicit 3 4

Bigloo A

boolean 2

boolean? 2

c...r 2

call-with-current-continuation,call/cc 13

call-with-input-file 7

call-with-output-file 7

call/cc 13

  and coroutine 13

  and engine 15

car 2

case 4

cdr 2

char->integer 2

char-ci<=? 2

char-ci<? 2

char-ci=? 2

char-ci>=? 2

char-ci>? 2

char-downcase 2

char-upcase 2

char<=? 2

char<? 2

char=? 2

char>=? 2

char>? 2

char? 2

character 2

  #\notation for 2

Chicken A

class 12

clock 15

  Guile D

close-input-port 7

close-output-port 7

command line 1

comment 1

complex? 2

cond 4

conditional 4

cons 2

console 1

continuation 13

coroutine 13

current-input-port 7

current-output-port 7

#d(decimal number) 2

data type 2

  compound 2

  conversion to and fro 2

  simple 2

define 2

define-macro 8

  in various dialects A

defstruct 9

delete-duplicates 12

delete-file 11

dialects of Scheme A

display 1 7

dotted pair 2

empty list 2

engine 15

  flat 15

  nestable 15

eof-object? 7

eqv? 2

evaluation 1

even? 6

exit 1

exp 2

expt 2

#f 2

falsity 2


  checking existence of 11

  deleting 11

  loading 7

  port for 7

  time of last modification of 11

file-exists? 11

file-or-directory-modify-seconds 11 A

fixnum 0

fluid-let 5

  macro for 8

for-each 6

form 1

Gambit A

Gauche A

gensym 8

get-output-string 7

getenv 11

Guile A

  clock D

identifier 2

if 4


  multiple 12

  single 12

init file A

instance, object 12

integer->char 2

integer? 2

iteration 6

Kawa A

lambda 3

let 5

  named 6

let* 5

letrec 6

list 2

list(procedure) 2

list->string 2

list->vector 2

list-position 6

list-ref 2

list-tail 2

list? 2

listener 1

load 1 7

load-relative 7

  in various dialects A

logic programming 14

loop 6

macro 8

  avoiding variable capture inside 8

make-string 2

make-vector 2

map 6

max 2

metaclass 12

method, object438

min 2

MIT Scheme A

multiple inheritance 12

MzScheme 1 A

namedlet 6

newline 1 7

nondeterminism 14

not 2

null? 2

number 2

number->string 2

number? 2

numerical integration C

#o(octal number) 2

object 12

object-oriented programming 12

odd? 6

open-input-file 7

open-input-string 7

open-output-file 7

open-output-string 7

or 4

pair? 2

Pocket Scheme A

port 2 7

  for file 7

  for string 7

procedure 2 3

  parameters 3

  recursive 6

  tail-recursive 6

puzzles 14

quote 2

R5RS 0 A

rational? 2

read 7

read-char 7

read-eval-print loop 1

read-line 7

real? 2

recursion 6

  iteration as 6

  letrec 6

  tail 6

reverse! 6

S-expression 2


script 16 A

  CGI 17


self-evaluation 2

set! 2

set-car! 2

set-cdr! 2

Simpson’s rule C

slot, object440

sqrt 2

standard input 7

standard output 1 7


string 2

  port for 7

string(procedure) 2

string->list 2

string->number 2

string-append 2

string-ref 2

string-set! 2

string? 2

structure 9

  defstruct 9

subclass 12

subform 1

superclass 12

symbol 2

  case-insensitivity 2

  generated 8

symbol? 2

system 11

#t 2

table 10

tail call 6

  elimination of 6

tail recursion 6

truth 2

unless 4

  macro for 8

variable 2

  global 2 5

  lexical 5

  local 5

vector 2

vector(procedure) 2

vector->list 2

when 4

  macro for 8

write 7

write-char 7

#x(hexadecimal number) 2

zen 0