CSS 听觉参考手册




  • 视觉能力低弱的人士
  • 帮助用户学习阅读
  • 帮助有阅读障碍的用户
  • 家庭娱乐
  • 在汽车中使用



h1, h2, h3, h4
voice-family: male;
richness: 80;
cue-before: url("beep.au")


CSS2 听觉参考

W3C : "W3C" 列的数字显示出属性由哪个 CSS 标准定义(CSS1 还是 CSS2)。

属性 描述 W3C
azimuth Sets where the sound/voices should come from (horizontally) angle left-side far-left left center-left center center-right right far-right right-side behind leftwards rightwards 2
cue A shorthand property for setting the cue-before and cue-after properties in one declaration cue-before cue-after 2
cue-after Specifies a sound to be played after speaking an element's content to delimit it from other none url 2
cue-before Specifies a sound to be played before speaking an element's content to delimit it from other none url 2
elevation Sets where the sound/voices should come from (vertically) angle belo level above higher lower 2
pause A shorthand property for setting the pause-before and pause-after properties in one declaration pause-before pause-after 2
pause-after Specifies a pause after speaking an element's content time % 2
pause-before Specifies a pause before speaking an element's content time % 2
pitch Specifies the speaking voice frequency x-low low medium high x-high 2
pitch-range Specifies the variation in the speaking voice. (Monotone voice or animated voice?) number 2
play-during Specifies a sound to be played while speaking an element's content auto none url mix repeat 2
richness Specifies the richness in the speaking voice. (Rich voice or thin voice?) number 2
speak Specifies whether content will render aurally normal none spell-out 2
speak-header Specifies how to handle table headers. Should the headers be spoken before every cell, or only before a cell with a different header than the previous cell always once 2
speak-numeral Specifies how to speak numbers digits continuous 2
speak-punctuation Specifies how to speak punctuation characters none code 2
speech-rate Specifies the speed of the speaking number x-slow slow medium fast x-fast faster slower 2
stress Specifies the "stress" in the speaking voice number 2
voice-family A prioritized list of voice family names that contain specific voices specific-voice generic-voice 2
volume Specifies the volume of the speaking number % silent x-soft soft medium loud x-loud 2