
原文:Chapter 7


协议:CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

# 通常的开头
%matplotlib inline

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# 使图表更大更漂亮
pd.set_option('display.mpl_style', 'default')
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (15, 5)
plt.rcParams['font.family'] = 'sans-serif'

# 在 Pandas 0.12 中需要展示大量的列 
# 在 Pandas 0.13 中不需要
pd.set_option('display.width', 5000) 
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 60)


我们将在这里使用 NYC 311 服务请求数据集,因为它很大,有点不方便。

requests = pd.read_csv('../data/311-service-requests.csv')

7.1 我怎么知道它是否杂乱?

我们在这里查看几列。 我知道邮政编码有一些问题,所以让我们先看看它。

要了解列是否有问题,我通常使用.unique()来查看所有的值。 如果它是一列数字,我将绘制一个直方图来获得分布的感觉。

当我们看看Incident Zip中的唯一值时,很快就会清楚这是一个混乱。


  • 一些已经解析为字符串,一些是浮点
  • 存在nan
  • 部分邮政编码为29616-075983
  • 有一些 Pandas 无法识别的 N/A 值 ,如'N/A''NO CLUE'


  • N/ANO CLUE规格化为nan
  • 看看 83 处发生了什么,并决定做什么
  • 将一切转化为字符串
requests['Incident Zip'].unique()
array([11432.0, 11378.0, 10032.0, 10023.0, 10027.0, 11372.0, 11419.0,
       11417.0, 10011.0, 11225.0, 11218.0, 10003.0, 10029.0, 10466.0,
       11219.0, 10025.0, 10310.0, 11236.0, nan, 10033.0, 11216.0, 10016.0,
       10305.0, 10312.0, 10026.0, 10309.0, 10036.0, 11433.0, 11235.0,
       11213.0, 11379.0, 11101.0, 10014.0, 11231.0, 11234.0, 10457.0,
       10459.0, 10465.0, 11207.0, 10002.0, 10034.0, 11233.0, 10453.0,
       10456.0, 10469.0, 11374.0, 11221.0, 11421.0, 11215.0, 10007.0,
       10019.0, 11205.0, 11418.0, 11369.0, 11249.0, 10005.0, 10009.0,
       11211.0, 11412.0, 10458.0, 11229.0, 10065.0, 10030.0, 11222.0,
       10024.0, 10013.0, 11420.0, 11365.0, 10012.0, 11214.0, 11212.0,
       10022.0, 11232.0, 11040.0, 11226.0, 10281.0, 11102.0, 11208.0,
       10001.0, 10472.0, 11414.0, 11223.0, 10040.0, 11220.0, 11373.0,
       11203.0, 11691.0, 11356.0, 10017.0, 10452.0, 10280.0, 11217.0,
       10031.0, 11201.0, 11358.0, 10128.0, 11423.0, 10039.0, 10010.0,
       11209.0, 10021.0, 10037.0, 11413.0, 11375.0, 11238.0, 10473.0,
       11103.0, 11354.0, 11361.0, 11106.0, 11385.0, 10463.0, 10467.0,
       11204.0, 11237.0, 11377.0, 11364.0, 11434.0, 11435.0, 11210.0,
       11228.0, 11368.0, 11694.0, 10464.0, 11415.0, 10314.0, 10301.0,
       10018.0, 10038.0, 11105.0, 11230.0, 10468.0, 11104.0, 10471.0,
       11416.0, 10075.0, 11422.0, 11355.0, 10028.0, 10462.0, 10306.0,
       10461.0, 11224.0, 11429.0, 10035.0, 11366.0, 11362.0, 11206.0,
       10460.0, 10304.0, 11360.0, 11411.0, 10455.0, 10475.0, 10069.0,
       10303.0, 10308.0, 10302.0, 11357.0, 10470.0, 11367.0, 11370.0,
       10454.0, 10451.0, 11436.0, 11426.0, 10153.0, 11004.0, 11428.0,
       11427.0, 11001.0, 11363.0, 10004.0, 10474.0, 11430.0, 10000.0,
       10307.0, 11239.0, 10119.0, 10006.0, 10048.0, 11697.0, 11692.0,
       11693.0, 10573.0, 83.0, 11559.0, 10020.0, 77056.0, 11776.0, 70711.0,
       10282.0, 11109.0, 10044.0, '10452', '11233', '10468', '10310',
       '11105', '10462', '10029', '10301', '10457', '10467', '10469',
       '11225', '10035', '10031', '11226', '10454', '11221', '10025',
       '11229', '11235', '11422', '10472', '11208', '11102', '10032',
       '11216', '10473', '10463', '11213', '10040', '10302', '11231',
       '10470', '11204', '11104', '11212', '10466', '11416', '11214',
       '10009', '11692', '11385', '11423', '11201', '10024', '11435',
       '10312', '10030', '11106', '10033', '10303', '11215', '11222',
       '11354', '10016', '10034', '11420', '10304', '10019', '11237',
       '11249', '11230', '11372', '11207', '11378', '11419', '11361',
       '10011', '11357', '10012', '11358', '10003', '10002', '11374',
       '10007', '11234', '10065', '11369', '11434', '11205', '11206',
       '11415', '11236', '11218', '11413', '10458', '11101', '10306',
       '11355', '10023', '11368', '10314', '11421', '10010', '10018',
       '11223', '10455', '11377', '11433', '11375', '10037', '11209',
       '10459', '10128', '10014', '10282', '11373', '10451', '11238',
       '11211', '10038', '11694', '11203', '11691', '11232', '10305',
       '10021', '11228', '10036', '10001', '10017', '11217', '11219',
       '10308', '10465', '11379', '11414', '10460', '11417', '11220',
       '11366', '10027', '11370', '10309', '11412', '11356', '10456',
       '11432', '10022', '10013', '11367', '11040', '10026', '10475',
       '11210', '11364', '11426', '10471', '10119', '11224', '11418',
       '11429', '11365', '10461', '11239', '10039', '00083', '11411',
       '10075', '11004', '11360', '10453', '10028', '11430', '10307',
       '11103', '10004', '10069', '10005', '10474', '11428', '11436',
       '10020', '11001', '11362', '11693', '10464', '11427', '10044',
       '11363', '10006', '10000', '02061', '77092-2016', '10280', '11109',
       '14225', '55164-0737', '19711', '07306', '000000', 'NO CLUE',
       '90010', '10281', '11747', '23541', '11776', '11697', '11788',
       '07604', 10112.0, 11788.0, 11563.0, 11580.0, 7087.0, 11042.0,
       7093.0, 11501.0, 92123.0, 0.0, 11575.0, 7109.0, 11797.0, '10803',
       '11716', '11722', '11549-3650', '10162', '92123', '23502', '11518',
       '07020', '08807', '11577', '07114', '11003', '07201', '11563',
       '61702', '10103', '29616-0759', '35209-3114', '11520', '11735',
       '10129', '11005', '41042', '11590', 6901.0, 7208.0, 11530.0,
       13221.0, 10954.0, 11735.0, 10103.0, 7114.0, 11111.0, 10107.0], dtype=object)

7.3 修复nan值和字符串/浮点混淆

我们可以将na_values选项传递到pd.read_csv来清理它们。 我们还可以指定Incident Zip的类型是字符串,而不是浮点。

na_values = ['NO CLUE', 'N/A', '0']
requests = pd.read_csv('../data/311-service-requests.csv', na_values=na_values, dtype={'Incident Zip': str})
requests['Incident Zip'].unique()
array(['11432', '11378', '10032', '10023', '10027', '11372', '11419',
       '11417', '10011', '11225', '11218', '10003', '10029', '10466',
       '11219', '10025', '10310', '11236', nan, '10033', '11216', '10016',
       '10305', '10312', '10026', '10309', '10036', '11433', '11235',
       '11213', '11379', '11101', '10014', '11231', '11234', '10457',
       '10459', '10465', '11207', '10002', '10034', '11233', '10453',
       '10456', '10469', '11374', '11221', '11421', '11215', '10007',
       '10019', '11205', '11418', '11369', '11249', '10005', '10009',
       '11211', '11412', '10458', '11229', '10065', '10030', '11222',
       '10024', '10013', '11420', '11365', '10012', '11214', '11212',
       '10022', '11232', '11040', '11226', '10281', '11102', '11208',
       '10001', '10472', '11414', '11223', '10040', '11220', '11373',
       '11203', '11691', '11356', '10017', '10452', '10280', '11217',
       '10031', '11201', '11358', '10128', '11423', '10039', '10010',
       '11209', '10021', '10037', '11413', '11375', '11238', '10473',
       '11103', '11354', '11361', '11106', '11385', '10463', '10467',
       '11204', '11237', '11377', '11364', '11434', '11435', '11210',
       '11228', '11368', '11694', '10464', '11415', '10314', '10301',
       '10018', '10038', '11105', '11230', '10468', '11104', '10471',
       '11416', '10075', '11422', '11355', '10028', '10462', '10306',
       '10461', '11224', '11429', '10035', '11366', '11362', '11206',
       '10460', '10304', '11360', '11411', '10455', '10475', '10069',
       '10303', '10308', '10302', '11357', '10470', '11367', '11370',
       '10454', '10451', '11436', '11426', '10153', '11004', '11428',
       '11427', '11001', '11363', '10004', '10474', '11430', '10000',
       '10307', '11239', '10119', '10006', '10048', '11697', '11692',
       '11693', '10573', '00083', '11559', '10020', '77056', '11776',
       '70711', '10282', '11109', '10044', '02061', '77092-2016', '14225',
       '55164-0737', '19711', '07306', '000000', '90010', '11747', '23541',
       '11788', '07604', '10112', '11563', '11580', '07087', '11042',
       '07093', '11501', '92123', '00000', '11575', '07109', '11797',
       '10803', '11716', '11722', '11549-3650', '10162', '23502', '11518',
       '07020', '08807', '11577', '07114', '11003', '07201', '61702',
       '10103', '29616-0759', '35209-3114', '11520', '11735', '10129',
       '11005', '41042', '11590', '06901', '07208', '11530', '13221',
       '10954', '11111', '10107'], dtype=object)

7.4 短横线处发生了什么

rows_with_dashes = requests['Incident Zip'].str.contains('-').fillna(False)
Unique Key Created Date Closed Date Agency Agency Name Complaint Type Descriptor Location Type Incident Zip Incident Address Street Name Cross Street 1 Cross Street 2 Intersection Street 1 Intersection Street 2 Address Type City Landmark Facility Type Status Due Date Resolution Action Updated Date Community Board Borough X Coordinate (State Plane) Y Coordinate (State Plane) Park Facility Name Park Borough School Name School Number School Region School Code School Phone Number School Address School City School State School Zip School Not Found School or Citywide Complaint Vehicle Type Taxi Company Borough Taxi Pick Up Location Bridge Highway Name Bridge Highway Direction Road Ramp Bridge Highway Segment Garage Lot Name Ferry Direction Ferry Terminal Name Latitude Longitude Location
29136 26550551 10/24/2013 06:16:34 PM NaN DCA Department of Consumer Affairs Consumer Complaint False Advertising NaN 77092-2016 2700 EAST SELTICE WAY EAST SELTICE WAY NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN HOUSTON NaN NaN Assigned 11/13/2013 11:15:20 AM 10/29/2013 11:16:16 AM 0 Unspecified Unspecified NaN NaN Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified N NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
30939 26548831 10/24/2013 09:35:10 AM NaN DCA Department of Consumer Affairs Consumer Complaint Harassment NaN 55164-0737 P.O. BOX 64437 64437 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ST. PAUL NaN NaN Assigned 11/13/2013 02:30:21 PM 10/29/2013 02:31:06 PM 0 Unspecified Unspecified NaN NaN Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified N NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
70539 26488417 10/15/2013 03:40:33 PM NaN TLC Taxi and Limousine Commission Taxi Complaint Driver Complaint Street 11549-3650 365 HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN HEMSTEAD NaN NaN Assigned 11/30/2013 01:20:33 PM 10/16/2013 01:21:39 PM 0 Unspecified Unspecified NaN NaN Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified N NaN NaN NaN La Guardia Airport NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
85821 26468296 10/10/2013 12:36:43 PM 10/26/2013 01:07:07 AM DCA Department of Consumer Affairs Consumer Complaint Debt Not Owed NaN 29616-0759 PO BOX 25759 BOX 25759 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN GREENVILLE NaN NaN Closed 10/26/2013 09:20:28 AM 10/26/2013 01:07:07 AM 0 Unspecified Unspecified NaN NaN Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified N NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
89304 26461137 10/09/2013 05:23:46 PM 10/25/2013 01:06:41 AM DCA Department of Consumer Affairs Consumer Complaint Harassment NaN 35209-3114 600 BEACON PKWY BEACON PKWY NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN BIRMINGHAM NaN NaN Closed 10/25/2013 02:43:42 PM 10/25/2013 01:06:41 AM 0 Unspecified Unspecified NaN NaN Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified N NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN


requests['Incident Zip'][rows_with_dashes] = np.nan

但是我的朋友 Dave 指出,9 位邮政编码是正常的。 让我们看看所有超过 5 位数的邮政编码,确保它们没问题,然后截断它们。

long_zip_codes = requests['Incident Zip'].str.len() > 5
requests['Incident Zip'][long_zip_codes].unique()
array(['77092-2016', '55164-0737', '000000', '11549-3650', '29616-0759',
       '35209-3114'], dtype=object)


requests['Incident Zip'] = requests['Incident Zip'].str.slice(0, 5)


早些时候我认为 00083 是一个损坏的邮政编码,但事实证明中央公园的邮政编码是 00083! 显示我知道的吧。 我仍然关心 00000 邮政编码,但是:让我们看看。

requests[requests['Incident Zip'] == '00000']
Unique Key Created Date Closed Date Agency Agency Name Complaint Type Descriptor Location Type Incident Zip Incident Address Street Name Cross Street 1 Cross Street 2 Intersection Street 1 Intersection Street 2 Address Type City Landmark Facility Type Status Due Date Resolution Action Updated Date Community Board Borough X Coordinate (State Plane) Y Coordinate (State Plane) Park Facility Name Park Borough School Name School Number School Region School Code School Phone Number School Address School City School State School Zip School Not Found School or Citywide Complaint Vehicle Type Taxi Company Borough Taxi Pick Up Location Bridge Highway Name Bridge Highway Direction Road Ramp Bridge Highway Segment Garage Lot Name Ferry Direction Ferry Terminal Name Latitude Longitude Location
42600 26529313 10/22/2013 02:51:06 PM NaN TLC Taxi and Limousine Commission Taxi Complaint Driver Complaint NaN 00000 EWR EWR EWR NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NEWARK NaN NaN Assigned 12/07/2013 09:53:51 AM 10/23/2013 09:54:43 AM 0 Unspecified Unspecified NaN NaN Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified N NaN NaN NaN Other NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
60843 26507389 10/17/2013 05:48:44 PM NaN TLC Taxi and Limousine Commission Taxi Complaint Driver Complaint Street 00000 1 NEWARK AIRPORT NEWARK AIRPORT NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NEWARK NaN NaN Assigned 12/02/2013 11:59:46 AM 10/18/2013 12:01:08 PM 0 Unspecified Unspecified NaN NaN Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified N NaN NaN NaN Other NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN


zero_zips = requests['Incident Zip'] == '00000'
requests.loc[zero_zips, 'Incident Zip'] = np.nan


unique_zips = requests['Incident Zip'].unique()
array([nan, '00083', '02061', '06901', '07020', '07087', '07093', '07109',
       '07114', '07201', '07208', '07306', '07604', '08807', '10000',
       '10001', '10002', '10003', '10004', '10005', '10006', '10007',
       '10009', '10010', '10011', '10012', '10013', '10014', '10016',
       '10017', '10018', '10019', '10020', '10021', '10022', '10023',
       '10024', '10025', '10026', '10027', '10028', '10029', '10030',
       '10031', '10032', '10033', '10034', '10035', '10036', '10037',
       '10038', '10039', '10040', '10044', '10048', '10065', '10069',
       '10075', '10103', '10107', '10112', '10119', '10128', '10129',
       '10153', '10162', '10280', '10281', '10282', '10301', '10302',
       '10303', '10304', '10305', '10306', '10307', '10308', '10309',
       '10310', '10312', '10314', '10451', '10452', '10453', '10454',
       '10455', '10456', '10457', '10458', '10459', '10460', '10461',
       '10462', '10463', '10464', '10465', '10466', '10467', '10468',
       '10469', '10470', '10471', '10472', '10473', '10474', '10475',
       '10573', '10803', '10954', '11001', '11003', '11004', '11005',
       '11040', '11042', '11101', '11102', '11103', '11104', '11105',
       '11106', '11109', '11111', '11201', '11203', '11204', '11205',
       '11206', '11207', '11208', '11209', '11210', '11211', '11212',
       '11213', '11214', '11215', '11216', '11217', '11218', '11219',
       '11220', '11221', '11222', '11223', '11224', '11225', '11226',
       '11228', '11229', '11230', '11231', '11232', '11233', '11234',
       '11235', '11236', '11237', '11238', '11239', '11249', '11354',
       '11355', '11356', '11357', '11358', '11360', '11361', '11362',
       '11363', '11364', '11365', '11366', '11367', '11368', '11369',
       '11370', '11372', '11373', '11374', '11375', '11377', '11378',
       '11379', '11385', '11411', '11412', '11413', '11414', '11415',
       '11416', '11417', '11418', '11419', '11420', '11421', '11422',
       '11423', '11426', '11427', '11428', '11429', '11430', '11432',
       '11433', '11434', '11435', '11436', '11501', '11518', '11520',
       '11530', '11549', '11559', '11563', '11575', '11577', '11580',
       '11590', '11691', '11692', '11693', '11694', '11697', '11716',
       '11722', '11735', '11747', '11776', '11788', '11797', '13221',
       '14225', '19711', '23502', '23541', '29616', '35209', '41042',
       '55164', '61702', '70711', '77056', '77092', '90010', '92123'], dtype=object)

太棒了! 这更加干净。 虽然这里有一些奇怪的东西 - 我在谷歌地图上查找 77056,这是在德克萨斯州。


zips = requests['Incident Zip']
# Let's say the zips starting with '0' and '1' are okay, for now. (this isn't actually true -- 13221 is in Syracuse, and why?)
is_close = zips.str.startswith('0') | zips.str.startswith('1')
# There are a bunch of NaNs, but we're not interested in them right now, so we'll say they're False
is_far = ~(is_close) & zips.notnull()
12102    77056
13450    70711
29136    77092
30939    55164
44008    90010
47048    23541
57636    92123
71001    92123
71834    23502
80573    61702
85821    29616
89304    35209
94201    41042
Name: Incident Zip, dtype: object
requests[is_far][['Incident Zip', 'Descriptor', 'City']].sort('Incident Zip')
Incident Zip Descriptor City
71834 23502 Harassment NORFOLK
47048 23541 Harassment NORFOLK
85821 29616 Debt Not Owed GREENVILLE
89304 35209 Harassment BIRMINGHAM
94201 41042 Harassment FLORENCE
30939 55164 Harassment ST. PAUL
80573 61702 Billing Dispute BLOOMIGTON
13450 70711 Contract Dispute CLIFTON
12102 77056 Debt Not Owed HOUSTON
29136 77092 False Advertising HOUSTON
44008 90010 Billing Dispute LOS ANGELES
57636 92123 Harassment SAN DIEGO
71001 92123 Billing Dispute SAN DIEGO

好吧,真的有来自 LA 和休斯敦的请求! 很高兴知道它们。 按邮政编码过滤可能是处理它的一个糟糕的方式 - 我们真的应该看着城市。

BROOKLYN            31662
NEW YORK            22664
BRONX               18438
STATEN ISLAND        4766
JAMAICA              2246
FLUSHING             1803
ASTORIA              1568
RIDGEWOOD            1073
CORONA                707
OZONE PARK            693
FAR ROCKAWAY          652
ELMHURST              647
WOODSIDE              609
EAST ELMHURST         562
MELVILLE                  1
NORWELL                   1
EAST ROCKAWAY             1
BIRMINGHAM                1
ROSLYN                    1
LOS ANGELES               1
MINEOLA                   1
JERSEY CITY               1
ST. PAUL                  1
CLIFTON                   1
COL.ANVURES               1
EDGEWATER                 1
ROSELYN                   1
CENTRAL ISLIP             1
Length: 100, dtype: int64


7.5 把它们放到一起


na_values = ['NO CLUE', 'N/A', '0']
requests = pd.read_csv('../data/311-service-requests.csv', 
                       dtype={'Incident Zip': str})
def fix_zip_codes(zips):
    # Truncate everything to length 5 
    zips = zips.str.slice(0, 5)

    # Set 00000 zip codes to nan
    zero_zips = zips == '00000'
    zips[zero_zips] = np.nan

    return zips
requests['Incident Zip'] = fix_zip_codes(requests['Incident Zip'])
requests['Incident Zip'].unique()
array(['11432', '11378', '10032', '10023', '10027', '11372', '11419',
       '11417', '10011', '11225', '11218', '10003', '10029', '10466',
       '11219', '10025', '10310', '11236', nan, '10033', '11216', '10016',
       '10305', '10312', '10026', '10309', '10036', '11433', '11235',
       '11213', '11379', '11101', '10014', '11231', '11234', '10457',
       '10459', '10465', '11207', '10002', '10034', '11233', '10453',
       '10456', '10469', '11374', '11221', '11421', '11215', '10007',
       '10019', '11205', '11418', '11369', '11249', '10005', '10009',
       '11211', '11412', '10458', '11229', '10065', '10030', '11222',
       '10024', '10013', '11420', '11365', '10012', '11214', '11212',
       '10022', '11232', '11040', '11226', '10281', '11102', '11208',
       '10001', '10472', '11414', '11223', '10040', '11220', '11373',
       '11203', '11691', '11356', '10017', '10452', '10280', '11217',
       '10031', '11201', '11358', '10128', '11423', '10039', '10010',
       '11209', '10021', '10037', '11413', '11375', '11238', '10473',
       '11103', '11354', '11361', '11106', '11385', '10463', '10467',
       '11204', '11237', '11377', '11364', '11434', '11435', '11210',
       '11228', '11368', '11694', '10464', '11415', '10314', '10301',
       '10018', '10038', '11105', '11230', '10468', '11104', '10471',
       '11416', '10075', '11422', '11355', '10028', '10462', '10306',
       '10461', '11224', '11429', '10035', '11366', '11362', '11206',
       '10460', '10304', '11360', '11411', '10455', '10475', '10069',
       '10303', '10308', '10302', '11357', '10470', '11367', '11370',
       '10454', '10451', '11436', '11426', '10153', '11004', '11428',
       '11427', '11001', '11363', '10004', '10474', '11430', '10000',
       '10307', '11239', '10119', '10006', '10048', '11697', '11692',
       '11693', '10573', '00083', '11559', '10020', '77056', '11776',
       '70711', '10282', '11109', '10044', '02061', '77092', '14225',
       '55164', '19711', '07306', '90010', '11747', '23541', '11788',
       '07604', '10112', '11563', '11580', '07087', '11042', '07093',
       '11501', '92123', '11575', '07109', '11797', '10803', '11716',
       '11722', '11549', '10162', '23502', '11518', '07020', '08807',
       '11577', '07114', '11003', '07201', '61702', '10103', '29616',
       '35209', '11520', '11735', '10129', '11005', '41042', '11590',
       '06901', '07208', '11530', '13221', '10954', '11111', '10107'], dtype=object)

results matching ""

    No results matching ""