TensorFlow 教程 #13
by Magnus Erik Hvass Pedersen
/ GitHub / Videos on YouTube
中文翻译 thrillerist/Github
可视化分析神经网络的方法也称为 特征最大化(feature maximization) 或 激活最大化(activation maximization)。
本文基于之前的教程。你需要大概地熟悉神经网络(详见教程 #01和 #02),了解Inception模型也很有帮助(教程 #07)。
这里将会使用教程 #07中的Inception模型。我们想要找到使得神经网络内给定特征最大化的图像。输入图像用一些噪声初始化,然后用给定特征的梯度来更新图像。在执行了一些优化迭代之后,我们会得到一个这个特定特征“喜欢看到的”图像。
from IPython.display import Image, display
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
# Functions and classes for loading and using the Inception model.
import inception
Inception 模型
# inception.data_dir = 'inception/'
如果文件夹中不存在Inception模型,就自动下载。 它有85MB。
Downloading Inception v3 Model ...
- Download progress: 100.0%
Download finished. Extracting files.
def get_conv_layer_names():
# Load the Inception model.
model = inception.Inception()
# Create a list of names for the operations in the graph
# for the Inception model where the operator-type is 'Conv2D'.
names = [op.name for op in model.graph.get_operations() if op.type=='Conv2D']
# Close the TensorFlow session inside the model-object.
return names
conv_names = get_conv_layer_names()
def optimize_image(conv_id=None, feature=0,
num_iterations=30, show_progress=True):
Find an image that maximizes the feature
given by the conv_id and feature number.
conv_id: Integer identifying the convolutional layer to
maximize. It is an index into conv_names.
If None then use the last fully-connected layer
before the softmax output.
feature: Index into the layer for the feature to maximize.
num_iteration: Number of optimization iterations to perform.
show_progress: Boolean whether to show the progress.
# Load the Inception model. This is done for each call of
# this function because we will add a lot to the graph
# which will cause the graph to grow and eventually the
# computer will run out of memory.
model = inception.Inception()
# Reference to the tensor that takes the raw input image.
resized_image = model.resized_image
# Reference to the tensor for the predicted classes.
# This is the output of the final layer's softmax classifier.
y_pred = model.y_pred
# Create the loss-function that must be maximized.
if conv_id is None:
# If we want to maximize a feature on the last layer,
# then we use the fully-connected layer prior to the
# softmax-classifier. The feature no. is the class-number
# and must be an integer between 1 and 1000.
# The loss-function is just the value of that feature.
loss = model.y_logits[0, feature]
# If instead we want to maximize a feature of a
# convolutional layer inside the neural network.
# Get the name of the convolutional operator.
conv_name = conv_names[conv_id]
# Get a reference to the tensor that is output by the
# operator. Note that ":0" is added to the name for this.
tensor = model.graph.get_tensor_by_name(conv_name + ":0")
# Set the Inception model's graph as the default
# so we can add an operator to it.
with model.graph.as_default():
# The loss-function is the average of all the
# tensor-values for the given feature. This
# ensures that we generate the whole input image.
# You can try and modify this so it only uses
# a part of the tensor.
loss = tf.reduce_mean(tensor[:,:,:,feature])
# Get the gradient for the loss-function with regard to
# the resized input image. This creates a mathematical
# function for calculating the gradient.
gradient = tf.gradients(loss, resized_image)
# Create a TensorFlow session so we can run the graph.
session = tf.Session(graph=model.graph)
# Generate a random image of the same size as the raw input.
# Each pixel is a small random value between 128 and 129,
# which is about the middle of the colour-range.
image_shape = resized_image.get_shape()
image = np.random.uniform(size=image_shape) + 128.0
# Perform a number of optimization iterations to find
# the image that maximizes the loss-function.
for i in range(num_iterations):
# Create a feed-dict. This feeds the image to the
# tensor in the graph that holds the resized image, because
# this is the final stage for inputting raw image data.
feed_dict = {model.tensor_name_resized_image: image}
# Calculate the predicted class-scores,
# as well as the gradient and the loss-value.
pred, grad, loss_value = session.run([y_pred, gradient, loss],
# Squeeze the dimensionality for the gradient-array.
grad = np.array(grad).squeeze()
# The gradient now tells us how much we need to change the
# input image in order to maximize the given feature.
# Calculate the step-size for updating the image.
# This step-size was found to give fast convergence.
# The addition of 1e-8 is to protect from div-by-zero.
step_size = 1.0 / (grad.std() + 1e-8)
# Update the image by adding the scaled gradient
# This is called gradient ascent.
image += step_size * grad
# Ensure all pixel-values in the image are between 0 and 255.
image = np.clip(image, 0.0, 255.0)
if show_progress:
print("Iteration:", i)
# Convert the predicted class-scores to a one-dim array.
pred = np.squeeze(pred)
# The predicted class for the Inception model.
pred_cls = np.argmax(pred)
# Name of the predicted class.
cls_name = model.name_lookup.cls_to_name(pred_cls,
# The score (probability) for the predicted class.
cls_score = pred[pred_cls]
# Print the predicted score etc.
msg = "Predicted class-name: {0} (#{1}), score: {2:>7.2%}"
print(msg.format(cls_name, pred_cls, cls_score))
# Print statistics for the gradient.
msg = "Gradient min: {0:>9.6f}, max: {1:>9.6f}, stepsize: {2:>9.2f}"
print(msg.format(grad.min(), grad.max(), step_size))
# Print the loss-value.
print("Loss:", loss_value)
# Newline.
# Close the TensorFlow session inside the model-object.
return image.squeeze()
def normalize_image(x):
# Get the min and max values for all pixels in the input.
x_min = x.min()
x_max = x.max()
# Normalize so all values are between 0.0 and 1.0
x_norm = (x - x_min) / (x_max - x_min)
return x_norm
def plot_image(image):
# Normalize the image so pixels are between 0.0 and 1.0
img_norm = normalize_image(image)
# Plot the image.
plt.imshow(img_norm, interpolation='nearest')
def plot_images(images, show_size=100):
The show_size is the number of pixels to show for each image.
The max value is 299.
# Create figure with sub-plots.
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 3)
# Adjust vertical spacing.
fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.1, wspace=0.1)
# Use interpolation to smooth pixels?
smooth = True
# Interpolation type.
if smooth:
interpolation = 'spline16'
interpolation = 'nearest'
# For each entry in the grid.
for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flat):
# Get the i'th image and only use the desired pixels.
img = images[i, 0:show_size, 0:show_size, :]
# Normalize the image so its pixels are between 0.0 and 1.0
img_norm = normalize_image(img)
# Plot the image.
ax.imshow(img_norm, interpolation=interpolation)
# Remove ticks.
# Ensure the plot is shown correctly with multiple plots
# in a single Notebook cell.
def optimize_images(conv_id=None, num_iterations=30, show_size=100):
Find 6 images that maximize the 6 first features in the layer
given by the conv_id.
conv_id: Integer identifying the convolutional layer to
maximize. It is an index into conv_names.
If None then use the last layer before the softmax output.
num_iterations: Number of optimization iterations to perform.
show_size: Number of pixels to show for each image. Max 299.
# Which layer are we using?
if conv_id is None:
print("Final fully-connected layer before softmax.")
print("Layer:", conv_names[conv_id])
# Initialize the array of images.
images = []
# For each feature do the following. Note that the
# last fully-connected layer only supports numbers
# between 1 and 1000, while the convolutional layers
# support numbers between 0 and some other number.
# So we just use the numbers between 1 and 7.
for feature in range(1,7):
print("Optimizing image for feature no.", feature)
# Find the image that maximizes the given feature
# for the network layer identified by conv_id (or None).
image = optimize_image(conv_id=conv_id, feature=feature,
# Squeeze the dim of the array.
image = image.squeeze()
# Append to the list of images.
# Convert to numpy-array so we can index all dimensions easily.
images = np.array(images)
# Plot the images.
plot_images(images=images, show_size=show_size)
image = optimize_image(conv_id=5, feature=2,
num_iterations=30, show_progress=True)
Iteration: 0
Predicted class-name: dishwasher (#667), score: 4.81%
Gradient min: -0.000083, max: 0.000100, stepsize: 76290.32
Loss: 4.83793
Iteration: 1
Predicted class-name: kite (#397), score: 15.12%
Gradient min: -0.000142, max: 0.000126, stepsize: 71463.42
Loss: 5.59611
Iteration: 2
Predicted class-name: wall clock (#524), score: 6.85%
Gradient min: -0.000119, max: 0.000121, stepsize: 80427.39
Loss: 6.91725
Iteration: 3
Predicted class-name: syringe (#531), score: 4.69%
Gradient min: -0.000124, max: 0.000116, stepsize: 87046.41
Loss: 7.93267
Iteration: 4
Predicted class-name: syringe (#531), score: 6.53%
Gradient min: -0.000115, max: 0.000122, stepsize: 94634.06
Loss: 8.85594
Iteration: 5
Predicted class-name: syringe (#531), score: 21.31%
Gradient min: -0.000108, max: 0.000131, stepsize: 103182.49
Loss: 9.70698
Iteration: 6
Predicted class-name: syringe (#531), score: 36.39%
Gradient min: -0.000102, max: 0.000099, stepsize: 111440.73
Loss: 10.4558
Iteration: 7
Predicted class-name: syringe (#531), score: 43.79%
Gradient min: -0.000100, max: 0.000083, stepsize: 119285.09
Loss: 11.1371
Iteration: 8
Predicted class-name: syringe (#531), score: 34.85%
Gradient min: -0.000078, max: 0.000098, stepsize: 126258.06
Loss: 11.7331
Iteration: 9
Predicted class-name: syringe (#531), score: 18.28%
Gradient min: -0.000075, max: 0.000071, stepsize: 133766.53
Loss: 12.2777
Iteration: 10
Predicted class-name: syringe (#531), score: 11.91%
Gradient min: -0.000072, max: 0.000079, stepsize: 139181.44
Loss: 12.7673
Iteration: 11
Predicted class-name: binder (#835), score: 13.27%
Gradient min: -0.000079, max: 0.000070, stepsize: 145263.47
Loss: 13.2062
Iteration: 12
Predicted class-name: binder (#835), score: 15.05%
Gradient min: -0.000060, max: 0.000101, stepsize: 150589.72
Loss: 13.6149
Iteration: 13
Predicted class-name: binder (#835), score: 14.79%
Gradient min: -0.000074, max: 0.000072, stepsize: 156626.62
Loss: 13.9922
Iteration: 14
Predicted class-name: binder (#835), score: 14.44%
Gradient min: -0.000078, max: 0.000062, stepsize: 160979.04
Loss: 14.3428
Iteration: 15
Predicted class-name: binder (#835), score: 11.76%
Gradient min: -0.000081, max: 0.000081, stepsize: 164249.60
Loss: 14.6689
Iteration: 16
Predicted class-name: binder (#835), score: 9.61%
Gradient min: -0.000069, max: 0.000073, stepsize: 169375.77
Loss: 14.968
Iteration: 17
Predicted class-name: binder (#835), score: 7.51%
Gradient min: -0.000060, max: 0.000086, stepsize: 173951.43
Loss: 15.2644
Iteration: 18
Predicted class-name: binder (#835), score: 6.16%
Gradient min: -0.000057, max: 0.000074, stepsize: 176921.49
Loss: 15.5303
Iteration: 19
Predicted class-name: quilt (#976), score: 6.22%
Gradient min: -0.000067, max: 0.000068, stepsize: 182788.52
Loss: 15.7967
Iteration: 20
Predicted class-name: quilt (#976), score: 7.31%
Gradient min: -0.000068, max: 0.000063, stepsize: 185266.16
Loss: 16.0442
Iteration: 21
Predicted class-name: bib (#941), score: 7.74%
Gradient min: -0.000048, max: 0.000066, stepsize: 190195.76
Loss: 16.2883
Iteration: 22
Predicted class-name: bib (#941), score: 9.43%
Gradient min: -0.000060, max: 0.000047, stepsize: 192709.62
Loss: 16.5165
Iteration: 23
Predicted class-name: bib (#941), score: 11.05%
Gradient min: -0.000064, max: 0.000049, stepsize: 197288.09
Loss: 16.7361
Iteration: 24
Predicted class-name: bib (#941), score: 12.59%
Gradient min: -0.000054, max: 0.000047, stepsize: 201010.69
Loss: 16.9544
Iteration: 25
Predicted class-name: bib (#941), score: 15.13%
Gradient min: -0.000045, max: 0.000049, stepsize: 204798.67
Loss: 17.1659
Iteration: 26
Predicted class-name: bib (#941), score: 15.91%
Gradient min: -0.000047, max: 0.000047, stepsize: 208499.70
Loss: 17.3637
Iteration: 27
Predicted class-name: bib (#941), score: 17.96%
Gradient min: -0.000056, max: 0.000059, stepsize: 210286.13
Loss: 17.559
Iteration: 28
Predicted class-name: bib (#941), score: 19.26%
Gradient min: -0.000043, max: 0.000043, stepsize: 214742.82
Loss: 17.7469
Iteration: 29
Predicted class-name: bib (#941), score: 18.87%
Gradient min: -0.000047, max: 0.000059, stepsize: 218511.00
Loss: 17.9321
optimize_images(conv_id=0, num_iterations=10)
Layer: conv/Conv2D
Optimizing image for feature no. 1
Optimizing image for feature no. 2
Optimizing image for feature no. 3
Optimizing image for feature no. 4
Optimizing image for feature no. 5
optimize_images(conv_id=3, num_iterations=30)
Layer: conv_3/Conv2D
Optimizing image for feature no. 1
Optimizing image for feature no. 2
Optimizing image for feature no. 3
Optimizing image for feature no. 4
Optimizing image for feature no. 5
Optimizing image for feature no. 6
optimize_images(conv_id=4, num_iterations=30)
Layer: conv_4/Conv2D
Optimizing image for feature no. 1
Optimizing image for feature no. 2
Optimizing image for feature no. 3
Optimizing image for feature no. 4
Optimizing image for feature no. 5
Optimizing image for feature no. 6
optimize_images(conv_id=5, num_iterations=30)
Layer: mixed/conv/Conv2D
Optimizing image for feature no. 1
Optimizing image for feature no. 2
Optimizing image for feature no. 3
Optimizing image for feature no. 4
Optimizing image for feature no. 5
Optimizing image for feature no. 6
optimize_images(conv_id=6, num_iterations=30)
Layer: mixed/tower/conv/Conv2D
Optimizing image for feature no. 1
Optimizing image for feature no. 2
Optimizing image for feature no. 3
Optimizing image for feature no. 4
Optimizing image for feature no. 5
Optimizing image for feature no. 6
optimize_images(conv_id=7, num_iterations=30)
Layer: mixed/tower/conv_1/Conv2D
Optimizing image for feature no. 1
Optimizing image for feature no. 2
Optimizing image for feature no. 3
Optimizing image for feature no. 4
Optimizing image for feature no. 5
Optimizing image for feature no. 6
optimize_images(conv_id=8, num_iterations=30)
Layer: mixed/tower_1/conv/Conv2D
Optimizing image for feature no. 1
Optimizing image for feature no. 2
Optimizing image for feature no. 3
Optimizing image for feature no. 4
Optimizing image for feature no. 5
Optimizing image for feature no. 6
optimize_images(conv_id=9, num_iterations=30)
Layer: mixed/tower_1/conv_1/Conv2D
Optimizing image for feature no. 1
Optimizing image for feature no. 2
Optimizing image for feature no. 3
Optimizing image for feature no. 4
Optimizing image for feature no. 5
Optimizing image for feature no. 6
optimize_images(conv_id=10, num_iterations=30)
Layer: mixed/tower_1/conv_2/Conv2D
Optimizing image for feature no. 1
Optimizing image for feature no. 2
Optimizing image for feature no. 3
Optimizing image for feature no. 4
Optimizing image for feature no. 5
Optimizing image for feature no. 6
optimize_images(conv_id=20, num_iterations=30)
Layer: mixed_2/tower/conv/Conv2D
Optimizing image for feature no. 1
Optimizing image for feature no. 2
Optimizing image for feature no. 3
Optimizing image for feature no. 4
Optimizing image for feature no. 5
Optimizing image for feature no. 6
optimize_images(conv_id=30, num_iterations=30)
Layer: mixed_4/conv/Conv2D
Optimizing image for feature no. 1
Optimizing image for feature no. 2
Optimizing image for feature no. 3
Optimizing image for feature no. 4
Optimizing image for feature no. 5
Optimizing image for feature no. 6
optimize_images(conv_id=40, num_iterations=30)
Layer: mixed_5/conv/Conv2D
Optimizing image for feature no. 1
Optimizing image for feature no. 2
Optimizing image for feature no. 3
Optimizing image for feature no. 4
Optimizing image for feature no. 5
Optimizing image for feature no. 6
optimize_images(conv_id=50, num_iterations=30)
Layer: mixed_6/conv/Conv2D
Optimizing image for feature no. 1
Optimizing image for feature no. 2
Optimizing image for feature no. 3
Optimizing image for feature no. 4
Optimizing image for feature no. 5
Optimizing image for feature no. 6
optimize_images(conv_id=60, num_iterations=30)
Layer: mixed_7/conv/Conv2D
Optimizing image for feature no. 1
Optimizing image for feature no. 2
Optimizing image for feature no. 3
Optimizing image for feature no. 4
Optimizing image for feature no. 5
Optimizing image for feature no. 6
optimize_images(conv_id=70, num_iterations=30)
Layer: mixed_8/tower/conv/Conv2D
Optimizing image for feature no. 1
Optimizing image for feature no. 2
Optimizing image for feature no. 3
Optimizing image for feature no. 4
Optimizing image for feature no. 5
Optimizing image for feature no. 6
optimize_images(conv_id=80, num_iterations=30)
Layer: mixed_9/tower_1/conv/Conv2D
Optimizing image for feature no. 1
Optimizing image for feature no. 2
Optimizing image for feature no. 3
Optimizing image for feature no. 4
Optimizing image for feature no. 5
Optimizing image for feature no. 6
optimize_images(conv_id=90, num_iterations=30)
Layer: mixed_10/tower_1/conv_1/Conv2D
Optimizing image for feature no. 1
Optimizing image for feature no. 2
Optimizing image for feature no. 3
Optimizing image for feature no. 4
Optimizing image for feature no. 5
Optimizing image for feature no. 6
optimize_images(conv_id=93, num_iterations=30)
Layer: mixed_10/tower_2/conv/Conv2D
Optimizing image for feature no. 1
Optimizing image for feature no. 2
Optimizing image for feature no. 3
Optimizing image for feature no. 4
Optimizing image for feature no. 5
Optimizing image for feature no. 6
optimize_images(conv_id=None, num_iterations=30)
Final fully-connected layer before softmax.
Optimizing image for feature no. 1
Optimizing image for feature no. 2
Optimizing image for feature no. 3
Optimizing image for feature no. 4
Optimizing image for feature no. 5
Optimizing image for feature no. 6
image = optimize_image(conv_id=None, feature=1,
num_iterations=100, show_progress=True)
Iteration: 0
Predicted class-name: dishwasher (#667), score: 4.98%
Gradient min: -0.006252, max: 0.004451, stepsize: 3734.48
Loss: -0.837608
Iteration: 1
Predicted class-name: ballpoint (#907), score: 8.52%
Gradient min: -0.007303, max: 0.006427, stepsize: 2152.89
Loss: -0.416723
Iteration: 2
Predicted class-name: spider web (#600), score: 90.44%
Gradient min: -0.007480, max: 0.012272, stepsize: 1343.66
Loss: 2.77814
Iteration: 3
Predicted class-name: pot (#838), score: 3.01%
Gradient min: -0.009853, max: 0.007638, stepsize: 1526.98
Loss: 3.27751
Iteration: 4
Predicted class-name: American egret (#426), score: 11.55%
Gradient min: -0.008507, max: 0.006308, stepsize: 1787.96
Loss: 5.95497
Iteration: 5
Predicted class-name: spider web (#600), score: 21.98%
Gradient min: -0.010415, max: 0.009410, stepsize: 1722.27
Loss: 5.07394
Iteration: 6
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 29.21%
Gradient min: -0.009298, max: 0.007885, stepsize: 2471.91
Loss: 7.98241
Iteration: 7
Predicted class-name: brain coral (#649), score: 8.95%
Gradient min: -0.004683, max: 0.004366, stepsize: 2876.78
Loss: 2.61856
Iteration: 8
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 30.05%
Gradient min: -0.008918, max: 0.006374, stepsize: 2243.47
Loss: 8.18703
Iteration: 9
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 55.10%
Gradient min: -0.041977, max: 0.025564, stepsize: 1270.96
Loss: 9.4695
Iteration: 10
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 45.79%
Gradient min: -0.025474, max: 0.026726, stepsize: 858.88
Loss: 8.49094
Iteration: 11
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 71.39%
Gradient min: -0.021939, max: 0.016643, stepsize: 1316.54
Loss: 12.4999
Iteration: 12
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 82.78%
Gradient min: -0.011797, max: 0.017714, stepsize: 1763.08
Loss: 11.1421
Iteration: 13
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 67.38%
Gradient min: -0.016686, max: 0.015832, stepsize: 1908.94
Loss: 11.186
Iteration: 14
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 57.64%
Gradient min: -0.017312, max: 0.014563, stepsize: 1412.06
Loss: 9.67373
Iteration: 15
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 69.09%
Gradient min: -0.005773, max: 0.005870, stepsize: 3163.64
Loss: 12.9428
Iteration: 16
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 82.98%
Gradient min: -0.020765, max: 0.017950, stepsize: 1225.38
Loss: 10.6559
Iteration: 17
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 99.04%
Gradient min: -0.005492, max: 0.006126, stepsize: 2520.72
Loss: 16.579
Iteration: 18
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 86.78%
Gradient min: -0.017253, max: 0.028574, stepsize: 1280.11
Loss: 11.7084
Iteration: 19
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 96.57%
Gradient min: -0.007056, max: 0.006660, stepsize: 1838.04
Loss: 17.8698
Iteration: 20
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 99.04%
Gradient min: -0.008916, max: 0.008408, stepsize: 2720.73
Loss: 17.922
Iteration: 21
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 68.39%
Gradient min: -0.012104, max: 0.013627, stepsize: 1398.73
Loss: 12.5718
Iteration: 22
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 98.38%
Gradient min: -0.007660, max: 0.007840, stepsize: 2043.20
Loss: 14.0164
Iteration: 23
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 98.36%
Gradient min: -0.009233, max: 0.006748, stepsize: 1951.74
Loss: 19.118
Iteration: 24
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 99.44%
Gradient min: -0.013526, max: 0.015166, stepsize: 1557.67
Loss: 23.2171
Iteration: 25
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 99.83%
Gradient min: -0.005306, max: 0.006063, stepsize: 2142.04
Loss: 21.0666
Iteration: 26
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 99.85%
Gradient min: -0.005931, max: 0.005094, stepsize: 2287.80
Loss: 21.2772
Iteration: 27
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 97.91%
Gradient min: -0.008425, max: 0.010999, stepsize: 1633.57
Loss: 23.1276
Iteration: 28
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 99.98%
Gradient min: -0.012720, max: 0.010505, stepsize: 1749.55
Loss: 25.9384
Iteration: 29
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 99.90%
Gradient min: -0.020819, max: 0.023275, stepsize: 1026.48
Loss: 22.4687
Iteration: 30
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 99.87%
Gradient min: -0.005569, max: 0.007158, stepsize: 2436.42
Loss: 21.3727
Iteration: 31
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 97.25%
Gradient min: -0.010902, max: 0.007087, stepsize: 1689.47
Loss: 13.2659
Iteration: 32
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 99.96%
Gradient min: -0.006695, max: 0.006514, stepsize: 2277.89
Loss: 23.113
Iteration: 33
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 99.89%
Gradient min: -0.011343, max: 0.011963, stepsize: 1713.67
Loss: 20.4645
Iteration: 34
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 99.83%
Gradient min: -0.005129, max: 0.005226, stepsize: 2531.23
Loss: 22.9016
Iteration: 35
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 99.96%
Gradient min: -0.004618, max: 0.005916, stepsize: 1979.85
Loss: 19.6406
Iteration: 36
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 99.94%
Gradient min: -0.005298, max: 0.007882, stepsize: 2158.99
Loss: 26.6898
Iteration: 37
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 99.77%
Gradient min: -0.009913, max: 0.010110, stepsize: 1643.65
Loss: 21.2908
Iteration: 38
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 99.99%
Gradient min: -0.005472, max: 0.004434, stepsize: 2654.99
Loss: 28.4096
Iteration: 39
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 99.99%
Gradient min: -0.006044, max: 0.007171, stepsize: 1646.69
Loss: 32.005
Iteration: 40
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.007782, max: 0.007306, stepsize: 1853.00
Loss: 34.7635
Iteration: 41
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 99.94%
Gradient min: -0.030789, max: 0.017443, stepsize: 1224.15
Loss: 32.2997
Iteration: 42
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.005752, max: 0.006784, stepsize: 2148.87
Loss: 34.8329
Iteration: 43
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 99.98%
Gradient min: -0.005747, max: 0.005908, stepsize: 2058.32
Loss: 33.3857
Iteration: 44
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 99.99%
Gradient min: -0.005644, max: 0.005296, stepsize: 2042.49
Loss: 33.5334
Iteration: 45
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.008353, max: 0.008290, stepsize: 1814.68
Loss: 34.6049
Iteration: 46
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 99.99%
Gradient min: -0.007643, max: 0.006041, stepsize: 2002.25
Loss: 36.0055
Iteration: 47
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 99.99%
Gradient min: -0.008912, max: 0.009060, stepsize: 1462.12
Loss: 31.0812
Iteration: 48
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 99.99%
Gradient min: -0.018941, max: 0.019518, stepsize: 1859.71
Loss: 36.9466
Iteration: 49
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.007313, max: 0.010175, stepsize: 1605.92
Loss: 39.6561
Iteration: 50
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 99.99%
Gradient min: -0.005102, max: 0.005128, stepsize: 2222.82
Loss: 34.06
Iteration: 51
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.009598, max: 0.007205, stepsize: 1756.78
Loss: 26.9699
Iteration: 52
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.006587, max: 0.006691, stepsize: 1967.08
Loss: 37.3345
Iteration: 53
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.006564, max: 0.006621, stepsize: 2305.14
Loss: 39.8643
Iteration: 54
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.020868, max: 0.016884, stepsize: 1375.65
Loss: 37.7343
Iteration: 55
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.005574, max: 0.005976, stepsize: 1908.25
Loss: 41.346
Iteration: 56
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.009256, max: 0.010253, stepsize: 1768.63
Loss: 35.9501
Iteration: 57
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.010851, max: 0.017633, stepsize: 1499.83
Loss: 42.5105
Iteration: 58
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.005229, max: 0.006164, stepsize: 2135.08
Loss: 43.219
Iteration: 59
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.006745, max: 0.006746, stepsize: 1642.55
Loss: 38.7929
Iteration: 60
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.005743, max: 0.004990, stepsize: 2049.10
Loss: 45.1963
Iteration: 61
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.007454, max: 0.006493, stepsize: 1576.57
Loss: 39.2328
Iteration: 62
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.005872, max: 0.006283, stepsize: 2189.59
Loss: 42.8966
Iteration: 63
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.006593, max: 0.007255, stepsize: 1561.50
Loss: 43.5881
Iteration: 64
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.006010, max: 0.005091, stepsize: 1858.49
Loss: 49.4166
Iteration: 65
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.011517, max: 0.009566, stepsize: 1209.07
Loss: 41.3484
Iteration: 66
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.008072, max: 0.008848, stepsize: 2159.80
Loss: 45.9205
Iteration: 67
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.008305, max: 0.006268, stepsize: 1548.71
Loss: 42.3279
Iteration: 68
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.006149, max: 0.009358, stepsize: 1883.51
Loss: 46.414
Iteration: 69
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.006578, max: 0.006697, stepsize: 1474.94
Loss: 42.8873
Iteration: 70
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.005391, max: 0.006146, stepsize: 2104.57
Loss: 49.2656
Iteration: 71
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.008280, max: 0.008504, stepsize: 1563.85
Loss: 49.4512
Iteration: 72
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.009657, max: 0.011234, stepsize: 1538.54
Loss: 52.4693
Iteration: 73
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.006796, max: 0.008983, stepsize: 1630.90
Loss: 47.8848
Iteration: 74
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.007820, max: 0.007669, stepsize: 1989.92
Loss: 53.1304
Iteration: 75
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.007080, max: 0.009358, stepsize: 1601.16
Loss: 52.802
Iteration: 76
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.006778, max: 0.011433, stepsize: 1852.65
Loss: 51.9139
Iteration: 77
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.007497, max: 0.007986, stepsize: 1568.70
Loss: 49.05
Iteration: 78
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.005112, max: 0.006590, stepsize: 2242.10
Loss: 58.7734
Iteration: 79
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.008460, max: 0.008341, stepsize: 1525.32
Loss: 60.3876
Iteration: 80
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.006530, max: 0.006501, stepsize: 1898.08
Loss: 60.4282
Iteration: 81
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.009223, max: 0.006812, stepsize: 1697.45
Loss: 59.8338
Iteration: 82
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.006340, max: 0.006535, stepsize: 1737.38
Loss: 60.1702
Iteration: 83
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.008974, max: 0.008040, stepsize: 1453.65
Loss: 59.8085
Iteration: 84
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.008100, max: 0.005810, stepsize: 1709.52
Loss: 63.3426
Iteration: 85
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.006354, max: 0.008465, stepsize: 1674.72
Loss: 62.9884
Iteration: 86
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.007080, max: 0.006697, stepsize: 1713.75
Loss: 66.6128
Iteration: 87
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.015349, max: 0.009788, stepsize: 1500.05
Loss: 63.2206
Iteration: 88
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.008576, max: 0.007250, stepsize: 1536.09
Loss: 68.5237
Iteration: 89
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.005157, max: 0.005224, stepsize: 1869.55
Loss: 71.2678
Iteration: 90
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.007810, max: 0.007995, stepsize: 1401.19
Loss: 62.0469
Iteration: 91
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.010371, max: 0.009543, stepsize: 1559.59
Loss: 70.518
Iteration: 92
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.009110, max: 0.006689, stepsize: 1855.04
Loss: 67.8497
Iteration: 93
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.005365, max: 0.006440, stepsize: 1969.30
Loss: 69.9785
Iteration: 94
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.010603, max: 0.011318, stepsize: 1475.43
Loss: 69.6375
Iteration: 95
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.004267, max: 0.005465, stepsize: 2023.68
Loss: 76.1746
Iteration: 96
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.011737, max: 0.010223, stepsize: 1207.37
Loss: 58.1862
Iteration: 97
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.005620, max: 0.005410, stepsize: 1992.51
Loss: 73.5772
Iteration: 98
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.007732, max: 0.010692, stepsize: 1286.44
Loss: 67.5603
Iteration: 99
Predicted class-name: kit fox (#1), score: 100.00%
Gradient min: -0.005850, max: 0.006159, stepsize: 1863.65
Loss: 75.6356
这是为什么?回想在教程 #11中,Inception模型很容易就被一些对抗噪声糊弄,而将任何输入图分类为另外的目标类别。因此,不难想象Inception模型可以识别这些在人眼看来并不清楚的抽象图像模式。可能存在无穷多的能够最大化神经网络内部特征的图像,并且人类只能识别出其中的一小部分。这也许是优化过程只找到抽象图像模式的原因。
- 尝试为网络中较低层的特征运行多次优化。得到的图像总是相同吗?
- 试着用更少或更多的优化迭代。这对图像质量有何影响?
- 试着改变卷积特征的损失函数。这可以用不同的方法来做。它将如何影响图样模式?为什么?
- 你认为优化器除了增大我们想要最大化的那个特征之外,会放大其他特征吗?你要怎么度量这个?你确定优化器一次只会最大化一个特征吗?
- 试着同时最大化多个特征。
- 在MNIST数据集上训练一个小一点的网络,然后试着对特征和层次做可视化。会更容易在图像中看到图案吗?
- 试着实现上述论文中的方法。
- 试着用你自己的方法来改善优化的图像。
- 向朋友解释程序如何工作。
License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2016 by Magnus Erik Hvass Pedersen
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.