fixed 语句(C# 参考)

fixed 语句禁止垃圾回收器重定位可移动的变量。 fixed 语句只在不安全的上下文中是允许的。 Fixed 还可用于创建固定大小缓冲区

fixed 语句设置指向托管变量的指针,并在执行该语句期间“固定”此变量。如果没有 fixed 语句,则指向可移动托管变量的指针的作用很小,因为垃圾回收可能不可预知地重定位变量。C# 编译器只允许在 fixed 语句中分配指向托管变量的指针。

unsafe static void TestMethod()

    // Assume that the following class exists.
    //class Point 
    //    public int x;
    //    public int y; 

    // Variable pt is a managed variable, subject to garbage collection.
    Point pt = new Point();

    // Using fixed allows the address of pt members to be taken,
    // and "pins" pt so that it is not relocated.

    fixed (int* p = &pt.x)
        *p = 1;


可通过使用数组、字符串、大小固定的缓冲区或变量地址初始化指针。以下示例演示可变地址、数组和字符串的用法。关于固定大小缓冲器的更多信息,请参见 固定大小的缓冲区(C# 编程指南)

static unsafe void Test2()
    Point point = new Point();
    double[] arr = { 0, 1.5, 2.3, 3.4, 4.0, 5.9 };
    string str = "Hello World";

    // The following two assignments are equivalent. Each assigns the address
    // of the first element in array arr to pointer p.

    // You can initialize a pointer by using an array.
    fixed (double* p = arr) { /*...*/ }

    // You can initialize a pointer by using the address of a variable. 
    fixed (double* p = &arr[0]) { /*...*/ }

    // The following assignment initializes p by using a string.
    fixed (char* p = str) { /*...*/ }

    // The following assignment is not valid, because str[0] is a char, 
    // which is a value, not a variable.
    //fixed (char* p = &str[0]) { /*...*/ } 

    // You can initialize a pointer by using the address of a variable, such
    // as point.x or arr[5].
    fixed (int* p1 = &point.x)
        fixed (double* p2 = &arr[5])
            // Do something with p1 and p2.


fixed (byte* ps = srcarray, pd = dstarray) {...}

要初始化不同类型的指针,只需嵌套 fixed 语句,如下面的示例所示。

fixed (int* p1 = &point.x)
    fixed (double* p2 = &arr[5])
        // Do something with p1 and p2.

执行完语句中的代码后,任何固定变量都被解除固定并受垃圾回收的制约。因此,不要指向 fixed 语句之外的那些变量。

无法修改在 fixed 语句中初始化的指针。

在不安全模式中,可以在堆栈上分配内存。堆栈不受垃圾回收的制约,因此不需要被锁定。有关更多信息,请参见 stackalloc

class Point
    public int x, y; 

class FixedTest2 
    // Unsafe method: takes a pointer to an int.
    unsafe static void SquarePtrParam (int* p) 
        *p *= *p;

    unsafe static void Main() 
        Point pt = new Point();
        pt.x = 5;
        pt.y = 6;
        // Pin pt in place:
        fixed (int* p = &pt.x) 
            SquarePtrParam (p);
        // pt now unpinned.
        Console.WriteLine ("{0} {1}", pt.x, pt.y);
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C# 语言规范

有关详细信息,请参阅 C# 语言规范。该语言规范是 C# 语法和用法的权威资料。


C# 参考

C# 编程指南

C# 关键字

unsafe(C# 参考)

固定大小的缓冲区(C# 编程指南)