Compiler Error CS0165
C# 编译器不允许使用未初始化的变量。如果编译器检测到使用了可能未初始化的变量,就会生成 编译错误CS0165。有关详细信息,请参阅字段(C# 编程指南)。请注意,当编译器遇到可能会导致使用未赋值变量的构造时,即使您的特定代码不会使用该变量,也会生成此错误。这样可以避免对明确赋值使用过度复杂的规则。
下面的示例生成 CS0165:
// CS0165.cs
using System;
class MyClass
public int i;
class MyClass2
public static void Main(string[] args)
// i and j are not initialized.
int i, j;
// You can provide a value for args[0] in the 'Command line arguments'
// text box on the Debug tab of the project Properties window.
if (args[0] == "test")
i = 0;
// If the following else clause is absent, i might not be
// initialized.
// i = 1;
// Because i might not have been initialized, the following
// line causes CS0165.
j = i;
// To resolve the error, uncomment the else clause of the previous
// if statement, or initialize i when you declare it.
// The following example causes CS0165 because myInstance is
// declared but not instantiated.
MyClass myInstance;
// The following line causes the error.
myInstance.i = 0;
// To resolve the error, replace the previous declaration with
// the following line.
//MyClass myInstance = new MyClass();
编译器错误 CS0165 在递归委托定义来生成。可以通过在以下两个语句中定义委托可避免此错误,以便在变量初始化之前,不使用变量。下面的示例演示错误和解决方案。
class Program
delegate void Del();
static void Main(string[] args)
// The following line causes CS0165 because variable d is used
// as an argument before it has been initialized.
Del d = delegate() { System.Console.WriteLine(d); };
//// To resolve the error, initialize d in a separate statement.
//Del d = null;
//// After d is initialized, you can use it as an argument.
//d = delegate() { System.Console.WriteLine(d); };