- Bjarne Stroustrup: Software Development for Infrastructure. Computer, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 47-58, Jan. 2012, doi:10.1109/MC.2011.353. A video interview about that paper and video of a talk on a very similar topic (That’s a 90 minute talk incl. Q&A).
Saeed Amrollahi:
Modern Programming in New Millenium: A Technical Survey on Outstanding features of C++0x.
Computer Report (Gozaresh-e Computer), No.199, November 2011 (Mehr and Aban 1390), pages 60-82. (in Persian)
Hans-J. Boehm and Sarita V. Adve: Foundations of the C++ concurrency memory model . ACM PLDI’08.
- Hans-J. Boehm: Threads Basic . Yet unpublished technical report. // Introductory.
- Douglas Gregor, Jaakko Jarvi, Jeremy Siek, Bjarne Stroustrup, Gabriel Dos Reis, and Andrew Lumsdaine: Concepts: Linguistic Support for Generic Programming in C++ . OOPSLA’06, October 2006. // The concept design and implementation as it stood in 2006; it has improved since, though not sufficiently to save it .
- Douglas Gregor and Jaakko Jarvi: Variadic templates for C++0x . Journal of Object Technology, 7(2):31-51, February 2008.
- Jaakko Jarvi and John Freeman: Lambda functions for C++0x . ACM SAC ’08.
- Jaakko Jarvi, Mat Marcus, and Jacob N. Smith: Programming with C++ Concepts . Science of Computer Programming, 2008. To appear.
- M. Paterno and W. E. Brown : Improving Standard C++ for the Physics Community . CHEP’04. // Much have been improved since then!
- Michael Spertus and Hans J. Boehm: The Status of Garbage Collection in C++0X . ACM ISMM’09.
- Verity Stob: An unthinking programmer’s guide to the new C++ — Raising the standard . The Register. May 2009. (Humor (I hope)).
- [N1781=05-0041] Bjarne Stroustrup: Rules of thumb for the design of C++0x.
- Bjarne Stroustrup: Evolving a language in and for the real world: C++ 1991-2006 . ACM HOPL-III. June 2007. (incl. slides and videos). // Covers the design aims of C++0x, the standards process, and the progress up until 2007.
- B. Stroustrup: What is C++0x? . CVu. Vol 21, Issues 4 and 5. 2009.
- Anthony Williams: Simpler Multithreading in C++0x . devx.com.