第 7 章 关联关系映射
- 7.1. 介绍
- 7.2. 单向关联(Unidirectional associations)
- 7.2.1. 多对一(many to one)
- 7.2.2. 一对一(one to one)
- 7.2.3. 一对多(one to many)
- 7.3. 使用连接表的单向关联(Unidirectional associations with join tables)
- 7.3.1. 一对多(one to many)
- 7.3.2. 多对一(many to one)
- 7.3.3. 一对一(one to one)
- 7.3.4. 多对多(many to many)
- 7.4. 双向关联(Bidirectional associations)
- 7.4.1. 一对多(one to many) / 多对一(many to one)
- 7.4.2. 一对一(one to one)
- 7.5. 使用连接表的双向关联(Bidirectional associations with join tables)
- 7.5.1. 一对多(one to many) /多对一( many to one)
- 7.5.2. 一对一(one to one)
- 7.5.3. 多对多(many to many)
- 7.6. 更复杂的关联映射