8.1 Word Vectors and Embeddings in TensorFlow and Keras

import os

import numpy as np

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.pylab import rcParams

import tensorflow as tf
DATASETSLIB_HOME = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),'dl-ts','datasetslib')
import sys
if not DATASETSLIB_HOME in sys.path:
%reload_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import datasetslib

from datasetslib import util as dsu
from datasetslib import nputil
datasetslib.datasets_root = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),'datasets')

Embeddings with PTB Data in TensorFlow

Load and Prepare PTB data

from datasetslib.ptb import PTBSimple
ptb = PTBSimple()
# downloads data, converts words to ids, converts files to a list of ids
print('Train :', ptb.part['train'][0:5])
print('Test: ', ptb.part['test'][0:5])
print('Valid: ', ptb.part['valid'][0:5])
print('Vocabulary Length = ', ptb.vocab_len)
Already exists: /home/armando/datasets/ptb-simple/simple-examples.tgz
Train : [9970 9971 9972 9974 9975]
Test:  [102  14  24  32 752]
Valid:  [1132   93  358    5  329]
Vocabulary Length =  10000
ptb.skip_window = 2
# in CBOW input is the context word and output is the target word
y_batch, x_batch = ptb.next_batch_cbow()

print('The CBOW pairs : context,target')
for i in range(5 * ptb.skip_window):
    print('(', [ptb.id2word[x_i] for x_i in x_batch[i]],
          ',', y_batch[i], ptb.id2word[y_batch[i]], ')')
The CBOW pairs : context,target
( ['aer', 'banknote', 'calloway', 'centrust'] , 9972 berlitz )
( ['banknote', 'berlitz', 'centrust', 'cluett'] , 9974 calloway )
( ['berlitz', 'calloway', 'cluett', 'fromstein'] , 9975 centrust )
( ['calloway', 'centrust', 'fromstein', 'gitano'] , 9976 cluett )
( ['centrust', 'cluett', 'gitano', 'guterman'] , 9980 fromstein )
( ['cluett', 'fromstein', 'guterman', 'hydro-quebec'] , 9981 gitano )
( ['fromstein', 'gitano', 'hydro-quebec', 'ipo'] , 9982 guterman )
( ['gitano', 'guterman', 'ipo', 'kia'] , 9983 hydro-quebec )
( ['guterman', 'hydro-quebec', 'kia', 'memotec'] , 9984 ipo )
( ['hydro-quebec', 'ipo', 'memotec', 'mlx'] , 9986 kia )
ptb.skip_window = 2
# in skip-gram input is the target word and output is the context word
x_batch, y_batch = ptb.next_batch_sg()

print('The skip-gram pairs : target,context')
for i in range(5 * ptb.skip_window):
    print('(', x_batch[i], ptb.id2word[x_batch[i]],
          ',', y_batch[i], ptb.id2word[y_batch[i]], ')')
The skip-gram pairs : target,context
( 9972 berlitz , 9970 aer )
( 9972 berlitz , 9971 banknote )
( 9972 berlitz , 9974 calloway )
( 9972 berlitz , 9975 centrust )
( 9974 calloway , 9971 banknote )
( 9974 calloway , 9972 berlitz )
( 9974 calloway , 9975 centrust )
( 9974 calloway , 9976 cluett )
( 9975 centrust , 9972 berlitz )
( 9975 centrust , 9974 calloway )
valid_size = 8
x_valid = np.random.choice(valid_size * 10, valid_size, replace=False)
print('valid: ',x_valid)
valid:  [64 58 59  4 69 53 31 77]

Train the skip-gram model for PTB Data in TensorFlow

batch_size = 128
embedding_size = 128  
n_negative_samples = 64
# clear the effects of previous sessions in the Jupyter Notebook
inputs = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[batch_size])
outputs = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[batch_size,1])
inputs_valid = tf.constant(x_valid, dtype=tf.int32)
# define embeddings matrix with vocab_len rows and embedding_size columns
# each row represents vectore representation or embedding of a word
# in the vocbulary

embed_dist = tf.random_uniform(shape=[ptb.vocab_len, embedding_size],
embed_matrix = tf.Variable(embed_dist,
# define the embedding lookup table
# provides the embeddings of the word ids in the input tensor
embed_ltable = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embed_matrix, inputs)
# define noise-contrastive estimation (NCE) loss layer

nce_dist = tf.truncated_normal(shape=[ptb.vocab_len, embedding_size],
                               stddev=1.0 /
                               tf.sqrt(embedding_size * 1.0)
nce_w = tf.Variable(nce_dist)
nce_b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape=[ptb.vocab_len]))

loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.nce_loss(weights=nce_w,
# Compute the cosine similarity between validation set samples
# and all embeddings.
norm = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(embed_matrix), 1, 
normalized_embeddings = embed_matrix / norm
embed_valid = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(normalized_embeddings, 
similarity = tf.matmul(
    embed_valid, normalized_embeddings, transpose_b=True)
n_epochs = 10
learning_rate = 0.9
n_batches = ptb.n_batches_wv()
optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(loss)

with tf.Session() as tfs:
    for epoch in range(n_epochs):
        epoch_loss = 0
        for step in range(n_batches):
            x_batch, y_batch = ptb.next_batch_sg()
            y_batch = nputil.to2d(y_batch, unit_axis=1)
            feed_dict = {inputs: x_batch, outputs: y_batch}
            _, batch_loss = tfs.run([optimizer, loss], feed_dict=feed_dict)
            epoch_loss += batch_loss
        epoch_loss = epoch_loss / n_batches
        print('\nAverage loss after epoch ', epoch, ': ', epoch_loss)

        # print closest words to validation set at end of every epoch
        similarity_scores = tfs.run(similarity)
        top_k = 5
        for i in range(valid_size):
            similar_words = (-similarity_scores[i, :]
                             ).argsort()[1:top_k + 1]
            similar_str = 'Similar to {0:}:'.format(
            for k in range(top_k):
                similar_str = '{0:} {1:},'.format(
                    similar_str, ptb.id2word[similar_words[k]])
    final_embeddings = tfs.run(normalized_embeddings)
Average loss after epoch  0 :  114.686313165
Similar to we: japanese, premium, designer, whose, 's,
Similar to been: ', exports, plot, of, week,
Similar to also: country, types, or, ltd., spent,
Similar to of: are, $, own, stiff, u.s.,
Similar to last: satisfy, to, by, purchasing, paid,
Similar to u.s.: had, fact, of, under, before,
Similar to an: <unk>, country, members, stock, so,
Similar to trading: see, around, came, seeking, $,

Average loss after epoch  1 :  48.5942172454
Similar to we: details, japanese, designer, whose, premium,
Similar to been: ', exports, week, plot, english,
Similar to also: types, country, squeezed, ltd., spent,
Similar to of: are, stiff, $, utilities, effectively,
Similar to last: portugal, americans, satisfy, fans, one,
Similar to u.s.: had, fact, sooner, under, before,
Similar to an: <unk>, members, consider, country, billions,
Similar to trading: came, see, around, receiving, seeking,

Average loss after epoch  2 :  28.3028867856
Similar to we: details, japanese, whose, designer, premium,
Similar to been: plot, exports, week, ', accumulated,
Similar to also: types, squeezed, country, ltd., recorded,
Similar to of: stiff, are, utilities, $, effectively,
Similar to last: portugal, americans, fans, satisfy, faces,
Similar to u.s.: sooner, fact, had, under, fixed-rate,
Similar to an: consider, members, <unk>, billions, news,
Similar to trading: receiving, came, see, around, seeking,

Average loss after epoch  3 :  19.2299379783
Similar to we: details, whose, premium, designer, competition,
Similar to been: plot, exports, week, ', accumulated,
Similar to also: squeezed, types, country, ltd., recorded,
Similar to of: stiff, are, utilities, months, effectively,
Similar to last: portugal, americans, fans, faces, satisfy,
Similar to u.s.: sooner, fact, had, slowing, under,
Similar to an: consider, <unk>, members, gives, billions,
Similar to trading: receiving, came, see, around, we,

Average loss after epoch  4 :  13.9751931398
Similar to we: details, whose, premium, japanese, competition,
Similar to been: plot, exports, week, ', accumulated,
Similar to also: squeezed, types, country, ltd., recorded,
Similar to of: stiff, utilities, less, are, effectively,
Similar to last: portugal, fans, americans, faces, conduct,
Similar to u.s.: sooner, fact, had, fixed-rate, slowing,
Similar to an: consider, <unk>, members, gives, billions,
Similar to trading: receiving, came, see, around, seeking,

Average loss after epoch  5 :  11.1852364234
Similar to we: details, whose, premium, designer, competition,
Similar to been: plot, exports, week, ', accumulated,
Similar to also: squeezed, types, country, recorded, ltd.,
Similar to of: stiff, utilities, less, are, cutbacks,
Similar to last: portugal, fans, americans, faces, take,
Similar to u.s.: sooner, fact, had, fixed-rate, slowing,
Similar to an: consider, <unk>, members, gives, billions,
Similar to trading: receiving, came, around, see, seeking,

Average loss after epoch  6 :  8.20086761621
Similar to we: details, whose, premium, competition, designer,
Similar to been: plot, exports, week, accumulated, ',
Similar to also: squeezed, types, country, recorded, knowing,
Similar to of: stiff, utilities, less, effectively, cutbacks,
Similar to last: portugal, fans, faces, americans, take,
Similar to u.s.: fact, sooner, had, fixed-rate, slowing,
Similar to an: <unk>, consider, members, gives, billions,
Similar to trading: receiving, came, around, see, seeking,

Average loss after epoch  7 :  7.39699991544
Similar to we: details, whose, premium, designer, competition,
Similar to been: plot, exports, week, ', accumulated,
Similar to also: squeezed, types, country, knowing, recorded,
Similar to of: stiff, less, utilities, effectively, cutbacks,
Similar to last: portugal, fans, faces, americans, take,
Similar to u.s.: fact, sooner, had, fixed-rate, slowing,
Similar to an: <unk>, consider, gives, members, billions,
Similar to trading: receiving, came, around, see, settled,

Average loss after epoch  8 :  6.29247701856
Similar to we: details, whose, premium, competition, designer,
Similar to been: plot, exports, week, e., accumulated,
Similar to also: squeezed, types, country, recorded, knowing,
Similar to of: stiff, utilities, less, effectively, cutbacks,
Similar to last: portugal, fans, faces, take, americans,
Similar to u.s.: fact, sooner, had, fixed-rate, slowing,
Similar to an: consider, <unk>, gives, members, f.,
Similar to trading: receiving, came, around, see, separate,

Average loss after epoch  9 :  5.51221719766
Similar to we: details, whose, premium, disclosed, competition,
Similar to been: plot, accumulated, e., exports, week,
Similar to also: squeezed, recorded, types, country, knowing,
Similar to of: stiff, less, utilities, effectively, cutbacks,
Similar to last: portugal, fans, faces, take, americans,
Similar to u.s.: fact, sooner, had, fixed-rate, slowing,
Similar to an: consider, gives, members, f., billions,
Similar to trading: receiving, came, around, see, separate,
n_epochs = 5000
learning_rate = 0.9

n_batches = ptb.n_batches_wv()

optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(loss)

with tf.Session() as tfs:
    epoch_loss = 0
    for epoch in range(n_epochs):
        epoch_loss = 0
        for step in range(n_batches):
            x_batch, y_batch = ptb.next_batch_sg()
            y_batch = nputil.to2d(y_batch, unit_axis=1)
            feed_dict = {inputs: x_batch, outputs: y_batch}
            _, batch_loss = tfs.run([optimizer, loss], feed_dict=feed_dict)
            epoch_loss += batch_loss
        epoch_loss = epoch_loss / n_batches
        if epoch + 1 % 1000 == 0:
            print('epoch done: ', epoch)
    print('\nAverage loss after epoch ', epoch, ': ', epoch_loss)

    # print closest words to validation set at end of training

    similarity_scores = tfs.run(similarity)
    top_k = 5
    for i in range(valid_size):
        similar_words = (-similarity_scores[i, :]).argsort()[1:top_k + 1]
        similar_str = 'Similar to {0:}:'.format(ptb.id2word[x_valid[i]])
        for k in range(top_k):
            similar_str = '{0:} {1:},'.format(
                similar_str, ptb.id2word[similar_words[k]])

    final_embeddings = tfs.run(normalized_embeddings)
Average loss after epoch  4999 :  2.76887808091
Similar to we: champagne, permanent, she, over-the-counter, weeks,
Similar to been: precedent, deemed, visit, duty-free, conference,
Similar to also: attention, introduce, argue, index, extremely,
Similar to of: providing, grace, instruments, N, t.,
Similar to last: donoghue, agreed, march, swing, chief,
Similar to u.s.: automobile, fannie, soul, success, classified,
Similar to an: authority, outlawed, donaldson, stepping, eligible,
Similar to trading: money, boston, plus, uses, N,
def plot_with_labels(low_dim_embs, labels):
    assert low_dim_embs.shape[0] >= len(
        labels), 'More labels than embeddings'
    plt.figure(figsize=(18, 18))  # in inches
    for i, label in enumerate(labels):
        x, y = low_dim_embs[i, :]
        plt.scatter(x, y)
                     xy=(x, y),
                     xytext=(5, 2),
                     textcoords='offset points',

from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

tsne = TSNE(perplexity=30, n_components=2,
            init='pca', n_iter=5000, method='exact')
n_embeddings = 500
low_dim_embeddings = tsne.fit_transform(final_embeddings[:n_embeddings, :])
labels = [ptb.id2word[i] for i in range(n_embeddings)]

plot_with_labels(low_dim_embeddings, labels)


Embeddings with Text8 data in TensorFlow

from datasetslib.text8 import Text8
text8 = Text8()
# downloads data, converts words to ids, converts files to a list of ids
print('Train:', text8.part['train'][0:5])
# print(text8.part['test'][0:5])
# print(text8.part['valid'][0:5])
print('Vocabulary Length = ', text8.vocab_len)
Already exists: /home/armando/datasets/text8/text8.zip
Train: [5233 3083   11    5  194]
Vocabulary Length =  253854
text8.skip_window = 2
# in CBOW input is the context word and output is the target word
y_batch, x_batch = text8.next_batch_cbow()

print('The CBOW pairs : context,target')
for i in range(5 * text8.skip_window):
    print('(', [text8.id2word[x_i] for x_i in x_batch[i]],
          ',', y_batch[i], text8.id2word[y_batch[i]], ')')
The CBOW pairs : context,target
( ['anarchism', 'originated', 'a', 'term'] , 11 as )
( ['originated', 'as', 'term', 'of'] , 5 a )
( ['as', 'a', 'of', 'abuse'] , 194 term )
( ['a', 'term', 'abuse', 'first'] , 1 of )
( ['term', 'of', 'first', 'used'] , 3133 abuse )
( ['of', 'abuse', 'used', 'against'] , 45 first )
( ['abuse', 'first', 'against', 'early'] , 58 used )
( ['first', 'used', 'early', 'working'] , 155 against )
( ['used', 'against', 'working', 'class'] , 127 early )
( ['against', 'early', 'class', 'radicals'] , 741 working )
text8.skip_window = 2
# in skip-gram input is the target word and output is the context word
x_batch, y_batch = text8.next_batch_sg()

print('The skip-gram pairs : target,context')
for i in range(5 * text8.skip_window):
    print('(', x_batch[i], text8.id2word[x_batch[i]],
          ',', y_batch[i], text8.id2word[y_batch[i]], ')')
The skip-gram pairs : target,context
( 11 as , 5233 anarchism )
( 11 as , 3083 originated )
( 11 as , 5 a )
( 11 as , 194 term )
( 5 a , 3083 originated )
( 5 a , 11 as )
( 5 a , 194 term )
( 5 a , 1 of )
( 194 term , 11 as )
( 194 term , 5 a )
valid_size = 8
x_valid = np.random.choice(valid_size * 10, valid_size, replace=False)
print('valid: ',x_valid)
valid:  [20 49 77  5 19  7 10 75]
batch_size = 128
embedding_size = 128  
n_negative_samples = 64
# clear the effects of previous sessions in the Jupyter Notebook
inputs = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[batch_size])
outputs = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[batch_size,1])
inputs_valid = tf.constant(x_valid, dtype=tf.int32)
# define embeddings matrix with vocab_len rows and embedding_size columns
# each row represents vectore representation or embedding of a word in the vocbulary

embed_matrix = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform(shape=[text8.vocab_len, embedding_size], 
                                           minval = -1.0, 
                                           maxval = 1.0

# define the embedding lookup table
# provides the embeddings of the word ids in the input tensor
embed_ltable = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embed_matrix, inputs)
# define noise-contrastive estimation (NCE) loss function

nce_w = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal(shape=[text8.vocab_len, embedding_size],
                                        stddev=1.0 / tf.sqrt(embedding_size*1.0)
nce_b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape=[text8.vocab_len]))

loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.nce_loss(weights=nce_w,
# Compute the cosine similarity between minibatch examples and all embeddings.
norm = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(embed_matrix), 1, keep_dims=True))
normalized_embeddings = embed_matrix / norm
valid_embeddings = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(normalized_embeddings, inputs_valid)
similarity = tf.matmul(valid_embeddings, normalized_embeddings, transpose_b=True)
n_epochs = 50
learning_rate = 0.9
n_batches = text8.n_batches_wv()

optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(loss)

with tf.Session() as tfs:

    for epoch in range(n_epochs):
        epoch_loss = 0
        for step in range(n_batches):
            x_batch, y_batch = text8.next_batch_sg()
            y_batch = nputil.to2d(y_batch,unit_axis=1)
            feed_dict = {inputs: x_batch, outputs: y_batch}

            _, batch_loss = tfs.run([optimizer, loss], feed_dict=feed_dict)
            epoch_loss += batch_loss
        epoch_loss = epoch_loss / n_batches 

        print('\nAverage loss after epoch ', epoch, ': ', epoch_loss)

        # validating at end of every epoch

        similarity_scores = tfs.run(similarity)
        for i in range(valid_size):
            top_k = 5
            similar_words = (-similarity_scores[i, :]).argsort()[1:top_k + 1]
            similar_str = 'Similar to {0:}:'.format(text8.id2word[x_valid[i]])
            for k in range(top_k):
                similar_str = '{0:} {1:},'.format(similar_str, text8.id2word[similar_words[k]])

    final_embeddings = tfs.run(normalized_embeddings)
Average loss after epoch  0 :  135.827208625
Similar to four: tissue, lechuguilla, straw, celsius, victoriae,
Similar to all: autistic, males, africa, gland, limited,
Similar to between: taxes, mormon, library, vivipara, declines,
Similar to a: the, carnival, of, lechuguilla, with,
Similar to that: leakey, basis, vivipara, but, staple,
Similar to zero: anna, launch, gland, two, one,
Similar to is: leadership, territories, parietal, taxes, and,
Similar to no: tissue, dagny, administration, ships, mirabilis,

Average loss after epoch  1 :  70.5671460077
Similar to four: one, zero, gb, eight, two,
Similar to all: gb, the, and, stronger, rotate,
Similar to between: two, devised, taxes, papyrus, newsgroup,
Similar to a: and, the, fam, gb, tissue,
Similar to that: leakey, but, altenberg, aesthetics, yum,
Similar to zero: one, altenberg, fam, phi, nine,
Similar to is: psi, hinder, territories, was, are,
Similar to no: altenberg, rotate, tissue, administration, ships,

Average loss after epoch  2 :  49.098458856
Similar to four: six, zero, three, five, one,
Similar to all: ameriko, hbox, gb, rotate, and,
Similar to between: levites, two, devised, abbates, ameriko,
Similar to a: the, ameriko, and, an, fam,
Similar to that: but, and, in, ameriko, vivipara,
Similar to zero: nine, eight, five, six, four,
Similar to is: was, are, psi, in, as,
Similar to no: altenberg, rotate, ameriko, abbates, sunda,

Average loss after epoch  3 :  36.9831544679
Similar to four: six, five, three, eight, dasyprocta,
Similar to all: operatorname, ameriko, gb, hbox, albuquerque,
Similar to between: and, in, operatorname, two, schmidt,
Similar to a: the, operatorname, his, and, or,
Similar to that: operatorname, with, but, and, it,
Similar to zero: two, three, five, four, nine,
Similar to is: was, are, as, with, dasyprocta,
Similar to no: operatorname, ameriko, altenberg, rotate, fam,

Average loss after epoch  4 :  28.6164453956
Similar to four: five, three, six, eight, two,
Similar to all: operatorname, ameriko, gb, lawsuits, many,
Similar to between: and, operatorname, schmidt, as, devised,
Similar to a: the, an, this, operatorname, or,
Similar to that: but, operatorname, it, which, this,
Similar to zero: eight, two, five, six, four,
Similar to is: was, are, operatorname, dasyprocta, as,
Similar to no: it, operatorname, ameriko, altenberg, rotate,

Average loss after epoch  5 :  22.323799798
Similar to four: six, three, five, two, eight,
Similar to all: the, operatorname, many, gb, three,
Similar to between: operatorname, in, schmidt, dasyprocta, with,
Similar to a: the, this, operatorname, an, or,
Similar to that: but, which, operatorname, with, it,
Similar to zero: three, eight, six, two, four,
Similar to is: was, are, operatorname, dasyprocta, as,
Similar to no: it, operatorname, ameriko, fam, altenberg,

Average loss after epoch  6 :  19.935355602
Similar to four: six, three, seven, five, two,
Similar to all: many, operatorname, trinomial, reuptake, cossa,
Similar to between: with, operatorname, schmidt, dasyprocta, in,
Similar to a: this, or, the, operatorname, an,
Similar to that: but, which, it, this, operatorname,
Similar to zero: eight, three, four, six, seven,
Similar to is: was, are, operatorname, dasyprocta, or,
Similar to no: it, a, operatorname, ameriko, but,

Average loss after epoch  7 :  16.9881831751
Similar to four: six, five, seven, two, three,
Similar to all: many, operatorname, trinomial, and, some,
Similar to between: with, in, eight, to, operatorname,
Similar to a: the, or, operatorname, this, an,
Similar to that: which, but, it, this, operatorname,
Similar to zero: eight, nine, five, dasyprocta, seven,
Similar to is: was, are, has, with, or,
Similar to no: it, a, this, operatorname, ameriko,

Average loss after epoch  8 :  14.2592270215
Similar to four: five, six, seven, eight, two,
Similar to all: albury, many, operatorname, some, trinomial,
Similar to between: with, in, albury, of, aveiro,
Similar to a: the, an, this, or, operatorname,
Similar to that: which, but, it, this, warshot,
Similar to zero: two, four, five, six, eight,
Similar to is: was, are, albury, operatorname, has,
Similar to no: it, this, but, albury, operatorname,

Average loss after epoch  9 :  13.0068666787
Similar to four: three, five, seven, six, eight,
Similar to all: many, albury, some, operatorname, trinomial,
Similar to between: with, recitative, in, albury, aveiro,
Similar to a: the, an, or, this, recitative,
Similar to that: which, but, this, and, it,
Similar to zero: five, four, eight, three, two,
Similar to is: was, are, has, operatorname, or,
Similar to no: this, kvac, it, but, albury,

Average loss after epoch  10 :  11.6051746191
Similar to four: three, five, six, seven, eight,
Similar to all: many, albury, some, operatorname, trinomial,
Similar to between: with, in, recitative, albury, to,
Similar to a: the, or, an, this, operatorname,
Similar to that: which, but, this, and, it,
Similar to zero: five, three, four, eight, two,
Similar to is: was, are, has, or, operatorname,
Similar to no: this, kvac, which, it, albury,

Average loss after epoch  11 :  10.6097498472
Similar to four: six, seven, three, five, eight,
Similar to all: many, some, albury, operatorname, trinomial,
Similar to between: with, in, recitative, and, albury,
Similar to a: the, an, or, this, operatorname,
Similar to that: which, but, this, it, however,
Similar to zero: six, eight, four, seven, five,
Similar to is: was, are, or, has, operatorname,
Similar to no: which, this, it, kvac, maritimequest,

Average loss after epoch  12 :  9.44573991087
Similar to four: six, three, two, five, seven,
Similar to all: many, some, albury, thibetanus, operatorname,
Similar to between: with, in, two, four, recitative,
Similar to a: an, the, this, operatorname, or,
Similar to that: which, this, but, it, however,
Similar to zero: eight, four, seven, five, six,
Similar to is: was, are, has, thibetanus, operatorname,
Similar to no: this, which, it, kvac, a,

Average loss after epoch  13 :  9.40504371293
Similar to four: six, five, three, seven, eight,
Similar to all: many, some, albury, these, thibetanus,
Similar to between: with, in, from, recitative, mastitis,
Similar to a: the, an, this, operatorname, recitative,
Similar to that: which, this, but, it, however,
Similar to zero: six, five, four, eight, three,
Similar to is: was, are, mastitis, has, operatorname,
Similar to no: this, kvac, which, it, any,

Average loss after epoch  14 :  8.97865626016
Similar to four: five, six, three, seven, eight,
Similar to all: many, some, these, albury, thibetanus,
Similar to between: with, in, recitative, mastitis, michelob,
Similar to a: the, an, this, operatorname, which,
Similar to that: which, but, this, michelob, when,
Similar to zero: six, five, three, four, seven,
Similar to is: was, are, has, mastitis, maritimequest,
Similar to no: this, which, it, a, kvac,

Average loss after epoch  15 :  8.14338739071
Similar to four: five, three, six, seven, eight,
Similar to all: some, many, these, albury, their,
Similar to between: with, in, from, recitative, mastitis,
Similar to a: the, an, operatorname, any, this,
Similar to that: which, but, this, michelob, however,
Similar to zero: five, six, seven, three, eight,
Similar to is: was, are, maritimequest, mastitis, operatorname,
Similar to no: this, which, any, it, kvac,

Average loss after epoch  16 :  8.31117789762
Similar to four: three, five, seven, six, eight,
Similar to all: some, many, these, albury, mitral,
Similar to between: with, in, mastitis, recitative, michelob,
Similar to a: the, an, this, or, any,
Similar to that: which, this, but, however, michelob,
Similar to zero: five, six, seven, eight, four,
Similar to is: was, are, has, operatorname, mastitis,
Similar to no: this, which, it, kvac, any,

Average loss after epoch  17 :  8.15239058717
Similar to four: six, five, three, seven, eight,
Similar to all: some, many, these, albury, both,
Similar to between: with, in, three, four, mastitis,
Similar to a: the, or, this, operatorname, which,
Similar to that: which, but, however, this, michelob,
Similar to zero: five, eight, four, six, seven,
Similar to is: was, are, has, mastitis, but,
Similar to no: this, which, kvac, a, any,

Average loss after epoch  18 :  7.46144762159
Similar to four: five, six, three, seven, eight,
Similar to all: some, many, both, these, albury,
Similar to between: with, in, from, michelob, three,
Similar to a: this, the, mastitis, an, recitative,
Similar to that: which, however, michelob, this, but,
Similar to zero: four, five, eight, six, seven,
Similar to is: was, are, has, mastitis, maritimequest,
Similar to no: this, which, any, only, kvac,

Average loss after epoch  19 :  8.29667459147
Similar to four: three, five, six, seven, two,
Similar to all: some, many, these, both, busan,
Similar to between: with, in, michelob, of, albury,
Similar to a: the, busan, or, escuela, this,
Similar to that: which, however, this, although, but,
Similar to zero: four, five, three, seven, six,
Similar to is: was, are, busan, mastitis, has,
Similar to no: this, which, any, it, only,

Average loss after epoch  20 :  7.73702917487
Similar to four: six, three, five, seven, eight,
Similar to all: some, many, both, these, busan,
Similar to between: with, in, from, five, michelob,
Similar to a: the, any, or, busan, this,
Similar to that: which, however, this, although, but,
Similar to zero: five, six, four, three, seven,
Similar to is: was, are, busan, has, but,
Similar to no: this, any, which, only, busan,

Average loss after epoch  21 :  7.53014415689
Similar to four: five, six, three, seven, eight,
Similar to all: some, many, both, these, busan,
Similar to between: with, from, in, michelob, against,
Similar to a: the, busan, any, this, operatorname,
Similar to that: which, however, this, although, michelob,
Similar to zero: four, six, three, five, eight,
Similar to is: was, are, busan, mastitis, operatorname,
Similar to no: this, which, any, only, a,

Average loss after epoch  22 :  7.39766837545
Similar to four: three, five, six, seven, zero,
Similar to all: some, many, both, these, busan,
Similar to between: with, in, from, michelob, against,
Similar to a: the, any, another, busan, this,
Similar to that: which, however, this, although, michelob,
Similar to zero: six, five, seven, four, eight,
Similar to is: was, are, busan, has, operatorname,
Similar to no: this, any, which, only, a,

Average loss after epoch  23 :  7.17782713765
Similar to four: six, three, five, seven, eight,
Similar to all: some, many, both, these, busan,
Similar to between: with, in, from, against, including,
Similar to a: the, any, busan, another, operatorname,
Similar to that: which, however, this, michelob, although,
Similar to zero: five, six, seven, three, four,
Similar to is: was, are, busan, has, operatorname,
Similar to no: this, which, any, only, busan,

Average loss after epoch  24 :  6.96806346772
Similar to four: five, three, six, seven, eight,
Similar to all: some, many, both, these, busan,
Similar to between: with, in, within, against, including,
Similar to a: the, any, busan, this, another,
Similar to that: which, however, although, this, but,
Similar to zero: five, seven, nine, three, eight,
Similar to is: was, are, has, mastitis, busan,
Similar to no: any, this, which, only, it,

Average loss after epoch  25 :  7.20916362865
Similar to four: five, three, six, seven, eight,
Similar to all: some, many, both, these, busan,
Similar to between: with, in, within, against, including,
Similar to a: the, any, another, busan, this,
Similar to that: which, however, although, this, but,
Similar to zero: five, eight, six, seven, three,
Similar to is: was, are, busan, has, operatorname,
Similar to no: this, any, only, which, however,

Average loss after epoch  26 :  6.98028469729
Similar to four: six, five, three, seven, eight,
Similar to all: some, many, both, these, several,
Similar to between: in, with, within, against, through,
Similar to a: the, any, another, busan, escuela,
Similar to that: which, however, this, michelob, but,
Similar to zero: five, two, four, six, busan,
Similar to is: was, are, busan, goldfinches, mastitis,
Similar to no: this, any, only, which, however,

Average loss after epoch  27 :  7.1013309475
Similar to four: five, six, three, seven, eight,
Similar to all: some, many, both, these, several,
Similar to between: with, within, in, from, against,
Similar to a: the, another, any, busan, michelob,
Similar to that: which, however, but, michelob, although,
Similar to zero: five, eight, six, seven, four,
Similar to is: was, are, has, busan, mastitis,
Similar to no: any, this, which, only, some,

Average loss after epoch  28 :  6.56530070452
Similar to four: five, six, three, seven, eight,
Similar to all: many, some, both, these, several,
Similar to between: with, within, in, against, both,
Similar to a: the, busan, another, any, operatorname,
Similar to that: which, however, although, but, this,
Similar to zero: five, busan, eight, four, seven,
Similar to is: was, are, busan, has, maritimequest,
Similar to no: any, this, only, however, capitols,

Average loss after epoch  29 :  6.91030734633
Similar to four: five, three, six, seven, eight,
Similar to all: many, some, both, these, busan,
Similar to between: with, within, both, against, through,
Similar to a: the, another, any, busan, escuela,
Similar to that: which, however, this, although, but,
Similar to zero: five, seven, four, eight, six,
Similar to is: was, are, has, busan, mastitis,
Similar to no: any, this, however, only, busan,

Average loss after epoch  30 :  6.98123962616
Similar to four: five, three, seven, six, eight,
Similar to all: many, some, these, both, several,
Similar to between: with, within, both, through, including,
Similar to a: another, the, any, busan, operatorname,
Similar to that: which, however, although, michelob, but,
Similar to zero: five, six, three, four, seven,
Similar to is: was, are, busan, has, mastitis,
Similar to no: any, this, however, only, which,

Average loss after epoch  31 :  7.09604787013
Similar to four: five, three, six, seven, eight,
Similar to all: many, some, both, these, several,
Similar to between: with, within, in, against, both,
Similar to a: the, another, any, busan, this,
Similar to that: which, however, this, although, michelob,
Similar to zero: five, eight, six, seven, four,
Similar to is: was, are, busan, has, mastitis,
Similar to no: any, this, however, only, a,

Average loss after epoch  32 :  7.10583426788
Similar to four: three, five, six, seven, eight,
Similar to all: many, some, both, these, several,
Similar to between: with, in, within, both, against,
Similar to a: another, the, any, busan, this,
Similar to that: which, however, although, while, but,
Similar to zero: eight, five, seven, six, busan,
Similar to is: was, are, has, busan, mastitis,
Similar to no: any, flageolet, this, however, only,

Average loss after epoch  33 :  6.64034354781
Similar to four: three, five, six, seven, eight,
Similar to all: many, some, both, these, several,
Similar to between: with, within, both, through, in,
Similar to a: the, another, any, busan, flageolet,
Similar to that: which, however, although, when, this,
Similar to zero: seven, five, eight, six, four,
Similar to is: was, are, has, busan, flageolet,
Similar to no: any, however, only, this, a,

Average loss after epoch  34 :  6.56126955526
Similar to four: six, five, three, seven, two,
Similar to all: many, some, both, these, several,
Similar to between: with, both, within, in, through,
Similar to a: the, another, any, busan, flageolet,
Similar to that: which, however, but, michelob, although,
Similar to zero: five, six, nine, eight, busan,
Similar to is: was, are, has, busan, mastitis,
Similar to no: any, a, only, however, another,

Average loss after epoch  35 :  7.92612275317
Similar to four: five, three, six, seven, eight,
Similar to all: many, some, both, these, several,
Similar to between: with, within, through, both, in,
Similar to a: the, another, any, busan, flageolet,
Similar to that: which, however, but, although, when,
Similar to zero: six, five, eight, two, four,
Similar to is: was, has, are, flageolet, busan,
Similar to no: any, only, flageolet, another, busan,

Average loss after epoch  36 :  6.45455038394
Similar to four: three, five, six, seven, two,
Similar to all: some, many, both, these, several,
Similar to between: with, within, through, in, both,
Similar to a: another, any, the, busan, delphinus,
Similar to that: which, however, but, although, this,
Similar to zero: eight, five, two, three, seven,
Similar to is: was, are, has, busan, flageolet,
Similar to no: any, only, flageolet, another, this,

Average loss after epoch  37 :  6.14241628294
Similar to four: five, three, six, seven, eight,
Similar to all: many, some, both, these, several,
Similar to between: with, through, in, within, including,
Similar to a: another, any, the, busan, flageolet,
Similar to that: which, however, although, this, when,
Similar to zero: busan, five, operatorname, seven, eight,
Similar to is: was, are, has, became, being,
Similar to no: any, only, however, another, flageolet,

Average loss after epoch  38 :  6.53143913077
Similar to four: five, six, three, seven, eight,
Similar to all: many, some, both, these, several,
Similar to between: with, through, within, in, against,
Similar to a: the, another, any, flageolet, busan,
Similar to that: which, however, although, this, when,
Similar to zero: six, five, seven, eight, nine,
Similar to is: was, are, being, flageolet, busan,
Similar to no: any, only, however, flageolet, this,

Average loss after epoch  39 :  6.49590713705
Similar to four: six, three, five, seven, eight,
Similar to all: some, many, both, these, several,
Similar to between: with, within, through, in, michelob,
Similar to a: another, the, any, flageolet, busan,
Similar to that: which, however, although, stadtbahn, when,
Similar to zero: five, eight, six, four, seven,
Similar to is: was, are, busan, means, being,
Similar to no: any, only, however, flageolet, this,

Average loss after epoch  40 :  6.63014369181
Similar to four: three, six, five, seven, two,
Similar to all: many, some, both, these, mitral,
Similar to between: with, through, within, in, michelob,
Similar to a: another, the, any, busan, operatorname,
Similar to that: which, however, when, although, stadtbahn,
Similar to zero: six, five, three, nine, seven,
Similar to is: was, are, busan, flageolet, being,
Similar to no: any, only, however, flageolet, another,

Average loss after epoch  41 :  6.07940426993
Similar to four: three, five, six, seven, eight,
Similar to all: many, some, both, these, several,
Similar to between: with, through, within, both, in,
Similar to a: another, the, any, busan, recitative,
Similar to that: which, however, although, stadtbahn, michelob,
Similar to zero: eight, five, seven, six, three,
Similar to is: was, are, flageolet, busan, means,
Similar to no: any, only, however, flageolet, another,

Average loss after epoch  42 :  6.15434198036
Similar to four: three, six, five, seven, eight,
Similar to all: many, some, both, various, these,
Similar to between: with, through, within, both, against,
Similar to a: another, the, any, busan, escuela,
Similar to that: which, however, although, stadtbahn, this,
Similar to zero: five, eight, six, seven, four,
Similar to is: was, are, became, flageolet, busan,
Similar to no: any, however, another, flageolet, only,

Average loss after epoch  43 :  6.21358637983
Similar to four: five, three, six, seven, two,
Similar to all: many, some, both, various, these,
Similar to between: with, within, through, in, against,
Similar to a: another, any, each, busan, the,
Similar to that: which, although, however, stadtbahn, this,
Similar to zero: five, four, seven, six, three,
Similar to is: was, are, busan, flageolet, means,
Similar to no: any, another, however, flageolet, only,

Average loss after epoch  44 :  6.07638619821
Similar to four: three, five, six, seven, eight,
Similar to all: many, some, both, various, these,
Similar to between: with, within, through, in, michelob,
Similar to a: another, the, any, flageolet, busan,
Similar to that: which, however, this, although, when,
Similar to zero: five, seven, three, eight, four,
Similar to is: was, are, has, busan, means,
Similar to no: any, another, flageolet, however, a,

Average loss after epoch  45 :  6.27363892372
Similar to four: six, five, three, seven, eight,
Similar to all: many, some, both, various, these,
Similar to between: with, through, within, in, both,
Similar to a: another, the, busan, any, flageolet,
Similar to that: which, however, stadtbahn, when, although,
Similar to zero: five, six, seven, four, eight,
Similar to is: was, are, flageolet, busan, means,
Similar to no: any, another, however, flageolet, this,

Average loss after epoch  46 :  6.08334335464
Similar to four: six, five, seven, three, eight,
Similar to all: many, some, both, various, these,
Similar to between: with, through, within, in, michelob,
Similar to a: another, the, any, busan, flageolet,
Similar to that: which, however, stadtbahn, although, when,
Similar to zero: five, eight, four, seven, busan,
Similar to is: was, are, means, busan, flageolet,
Similar to no: any, however, another, only, flageolet,

Average loss after epoch  47 :  6.15437479108
Similar to four: six, three, busan, five, seven,
Similar to all: many, some, both, these, various,
Similar to between: with, through, within, in, michelob,
Similar to a: another, any, the, this, busan,
Similar to that: which, however, when, although, but,
Similar to zero: busan, eight, five, seven, dasyprocta,
Similar to is: was, are, busan, means, flageolet,
Similar to no: however, any, only, another, flageolet,

Average loss after epoch  48 :  6.31930629635
Similar to four: six, three, five, seven, eight,
Similar to all: many, some, both, these, various,
Similar to between: with, through, within, around, michelob,
Similar to a: another, the, any, this, busan,
Similar to that: which, however, stadtbahn, although, michelob,
Similar to zero: five, seven, four, eight, three,
Similar to is: was, are, busan, being, flageolet,
Similar to no: any, only, another, however, flageolet,

Average loss after epoch  49 :  5.74088934757
Similar to four: six, five, three, eight, seven,
Similar to all: many, some, both, these, various,
Similar to between: with, within, through, in, around,
Similar to a: another, the, any, busan, delphinus,
Similar to that: which, however, although, but, stadtbahn,
Similar to zero: eight, six, seven, five, four,
Similar to is: was, are, being, busan, became,
Similar to no: any, another, however, flageolet, only,
def plot_with_words(low_dim_embeddings, words):
  assert low_dim_embeddings.shape[0] >= len(words), 'More labels than embeddings'
  plt.figure(figsize=(18, 18))  # in inches
  for i, words in enumerate(words):
    x, y = low_dim_embeddings[i, :]
    plt.scatter(x, y)
                 xy=(x, y),
                 xytext=(5, 2),
                 textcoords='offset points',

from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

tsne = TSNE(perplexity=30, n_components=2, init='pca', n_iter=5000, method='exact')
n_embeddings = 300
low_dim_embeddings = tsne.fit_transform(final_embeddings[:n_embeddings, :])
words = [text8.id2word[i] for i in range(n_embeddings)]

plot_with_words(low_dim_embeddings, words)


skip-gram model with Keras

from keras.models import Model
from keras.layers.embeddings import Embedding
from keras.preprocessing import sequence
from keras.layers import Input, Dense, Reshape, Dot, merge
import keras
Using TensorFlow backend.
# reset the jupyter buffers
valid_size = 8
x_valid = np.random.choice(valid_size * 10, valid_size, replace=False)
print('valid: ',x_valid)
valid:  [55 49 64 69 53 23 32 42]
embedding_size = 512  
n_negative_samples = 64
sample_table = sequence.make_sampling_table(ptb.vocab_len)
pairs, labels= sequence.skipgrams(ptb.part['train'],
print('The skip-gram pairs : target,context')
for i in range(5 * ptb.skip_window):
    print(['{} {}'.format(id,ptb.id2word[id]) for id in pairs[i]],':',labels[i])
The skip-gram pairs : target,context
['9307 r', "9 's"] : 1
['253 very', '190 markets'] : 0
['4130 i.', '1365 store'] : 1
['3962 encouraging', '1017 continuing'] : 0
['842 kong', '9728 lancaster'] : 0
['186 revenue', '6398 elements'] : 0
['870 disclosed', "32 n't"] : 1
['9817 scheduling', '1311 backed'] : 0
['5659 enjoyed', '153 industry'] : 1
['9343 reruns', '4351 rebounded'] : 0
# build the target word model
target_in = Input(shape=(1,),name='target_in')
target = Embedding(ptb.vocab_len,embedding_size,input_length=1,name='target_em')(target_in)
target = Reshape((embedding_size,1),name='target_re')(target)

# build the context word model
context_in = Input((1,),name='context_in')
context = Embedding(ptb.vocab_len,embedding_size,input_length=1,name='context_em')(context_in)
context = Reshape((embedding_size,1),name='context_re')(context)

# merge the models with the dot product to check for similarity and add sigmoid layer
output = Dot(axes=1,name='output_dot')([target,context])
output = Reshape((1,),name='output_re')(output)
output = Dense(1,activation='sigmoid',name='output_sig')(output)

# create the functional model for finding word vectors
model = Model(inputs=[target_in,context_in],outputs=output)
model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='adam')

# merge the models and create model to check for cosine similarity
similarity = Dot(axes=0,normalize=True,name='sim_dot')([target,context])
similarity_model = Model(inputs=[target_in,context_in],outputs=similarity)

Layer (type)                    Output Shape         Param #     Connected to                     
target_in (InputLayer)          (None, 1)            0                                            
context_in (InputLayer)         (None, 1)            0                                            
target_em (Embedding)           (None, 1, 512)       5120000     target_in[0][0]                  
context_em (Embedding)          (None, 1, 512)       5120000     context_in[0][0]                 
target_re (Reshape)             (None, 512, 1)       0           target_em[0][0]                  
context_re (Reshape)            (None, 512, 1)       0           context_em[0][0]                 
output_dot (Dot)                (None, 1, 1)         0           target_re[0][0]                  
output_re (Reshape)             (None, 1)            0           output_dot[0][0]                 
output_sig (Dense)              (None, 1)            2           output_re[0][0]                  
Total params: 10,240,002
Trainable params: 10,240,002
Non-trainable params: 0
# train the model
n_epochs = 5
batch_size = 1024
model.fit([x,y],labels,batch_size=batch_size, epochs=n_epochs)
Epoch 1/5
1096180/1096180 [==============================] - 14s 13us/step - loss: 0.4492
Epoch 2/5
1096180/1096180 [==============================] - 14s 13us/step - loss: 0.2846
Epoch 3/5
1096180/1096180 [==============================] - 14s 13us/step - loss: 0.1079
Epoch 4/5
1096180/1096180 [==============================] - 14s 13us/step - loss: 0.0284
Epoch 5/5
1096180/1096180 [==============================] - 14s 13us/step - loss: 0.0213

<keras.callbacks.History at 0x7fcd8c3d9780>
# print closest words to validation set at end of training
top_k = 5  
y_val = np.arange(ptb.vocab_len, dtype=np.int32)
y_val = nputil.to2d(y_val,unit_axis=1)
for i in range(valid_size):
    x_val = np.full(shape=(ptb.vocab_len,1),fill_value=x_valid[i], dtype=np.int32)
    similarity_scores = similarity_model.predict([x_val,y_val])
    similar_words = (-similarity_scores).argsort()[1:top_k + 1]
    similar_str = 'Similar to {0:}:'.format(ptb.id2word[x_valid[i]])
    for k in range(top_k):
        similar_str = '{0:} {1:},'.format(similar_str, ptb.id2word[similar_words[k]])
Similar to than: N, a, $, than, million,
Similar to his: do, did, from, to, of,
Similar to we: not, 're, did, it, n't,
Similar to last: year, month, N, <eos>, a,
Similar to u.s.: to, <eos>, said, as, in,
Similar to mr.: machines, was, said, co., years,
Similar to n't: did, does, wo, comment, would,
Similar to would: be, that, n't, if, should,

word2vec or embeddings visualisation using TensorBoard

# clear the effects of previous sessions in the Jupyter Notebook
from tensorflow.contrib.tensorboard.plugins import projector

batch_size = 128
embedding_size = 128  
n_negative_samples = 64

inputs = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[batch_size],name='inputs')
outputs = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[batch_size,1],name='outputs')
inputs_valid = tf.constant(x_valid, dtype=tf.int32,name='inputs_valid')

# define embeddings matrix with vocab_len rows and embedding_size columns
# each row represents vectore representation or embedding of a word in the vocbulary

embed_matrix = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform(shape=[ptb.vocab_len, embedding_size], 
                                           minval = -1.0, 
                                           maxval = 1.0
# define the embedding lookup table
# provides the embeddings of the word ids in the input tensor
embed_ltable = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embed_matrix, inputs)

# define noise-contrastive estimation (NCE) loss layer

nce_w = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal(shape=[ptb.vocab_len, embedding_size],
                                        stddev=1.0 / tf.sqrt(embedding_size*1.0)
nce_b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape=[ptb.vocab_len]), name='nce_b')

loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.nce_loss(weights=nce_w,

# Compute the cosine similarity between validation set samples and all embeddings.
norm = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(embed_matrix), 1, keep_dims=True),name='norm')
normalized_embeddings = tf.divide(embed_matrix,norm,name='normalized_embeddings')
embed_valid = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(normalized_embeddings, inputs_valid)
similarity = tf.matmul(embed_valid, normalized_embeddings, transpose_b=True, name='similarity')

n_epochs = 10
learning_rate = 0.9

n_batches = ptb.n_batches_wv()

optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(loss)

log_dir = 'tflogs'

# save the vocabulary
vocabfile = 'word2id.tsv'
ptb.save_word2id(os.path.join(log_dir, vocabfile))

# create summary variable

merged = tf.summary.merge_all()

with tf.Session() as tfs:

    saver = tf.train.Saver()

    # Declare projector config

    # add embedding variable to the config
    embed_conf1 = config.embeddings.add()
    embed_conf1.tensor_name = embed_matrix.name
    embed_conf1.metadata_path = vocabfile

    file_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(log_dir,tfs.graph)

    # save embeddings config that TensorBoard will read and visualize


    for epoch in range(n_epochs):
        epoch_loss = 0
        for step in range(n_batches):
            x_batch, y_batch = ptb.next_batch_sg()
            y_batch = nputil.to2d(y_batch,unit_axis=1)
            feed_dict = {inputs: x_batch, outputs: y_batch}
            summary, _, batch_loss = tfs.run([merged, optimizer, loss], feed_dict=feed_dict)
            epoch_loss += batch_loss
                       os.path.join(log_dir, 'model.ckpt'), 
                       global_step = epoch * n_batches + step)
        epoch_loss = epoch_loss / n_batches
        file_writer.add_summary(summary,global_step = epoch * n_batches + step)

        print('\nAverage loss after epoch ', epoch, ': ', epoch_loss)

        # print closest words to validation set at end of every epoch

        similarity_scores = tfs.run(similarity)
        top_k = 5  
        for i in range(valid_size):
            similar_words = (-similarity_scores[i, :]).argsort()[1:top_k + 1]
            similar_str = 'Similar to {0:}:'.format(ptb.id2word[x_valid[i]])
            for k in range(top_k):
                similar_str = '{0:} {1:},'.format(similar_str, ptb.id2word[similar_words[k]])

    final_embeddings = tfs.run(normalized_embeddings)
Average loss after epoch  0 :  113.313765391
Similar to than: a, teams, president, years, here,
Similar to his: six, money, department, types, he,
Similar to we: made, spending, as, major, share,
Similar to last: dodge, into, appeals, to, london,
Similar to u.s.: <unk>, export, said, latest, noted,
Similar to mr.: will, miles, company, page, 's,
Similar to n't: managers, $, preferences, the, new,
Similar to would: york, portfolios, N, montedison, she,

Average loss after epoch  1 :  49.7409719626
Similar to than: teams, declines, president, a, here,
Similar to his: six, money, department, uses, types,
Similar to we: made, spending, major, as, share,
Similar to last: appeals, dodge, into, thing, believe,
Similar to u.s.: latest, export, <unk>, commerce, nonexecutive,
Similar to mr.: will, contractor, miles, spokesman, status,
Similar to n't: managers, preferences, $, investment, cutting,
Similar to would: york, factors, portfolios, city, montedison,

Average loss after epoch  2 :  28.4847692404
Similar to than: declines, teams, here, president, years,
Similar to his: six, money, department, uses, types,
Similar to we: made, spending, major, share, started,
Similar to last: appeals, dodge, into, believe, thing,
Similar to u.s.: latest, export, marks, described, nonexecutive,
Similar to mr.: will, status, contractor, miles, spokesman,
Similar to n't: managers, preferences, managing, cutting, investment,
Similar to would: factors, york, portfolios, concerns, city,

Average loss after epoch  3 :  19.1291707601
Similar to than: declines, teams, here, president, spinoff,
Similar to his: six, money, department, uses, caused,
Similar to we: made, spending, major, november, knowing,
Similar to last: appeals, believe, into, dodge, investor,
Similar to u.s.: latest, marks, export, described, nonexecutive,
Similar to mr.: will, status, contractor, miles, spokesman,
Similar to n't: managers, preferences, managing, cutting, investment,
Similar to would: factors, york, portfolios, concerns, survival,

Average loss after epoch  4 :  13.7645920408
Similar to than: declines, teams, here, president, snapped,
Similar to his: six, money, caused, department, uses,
Similar to we: made, major, spending, november, knowing,
Similar to last: appeals, believe, investor, dodge, into,
Similar to u.s.: marks, latest, export, described, labor,
Similar to mr.: status, will, contractor, miles, spokesman,
Similar to n't: managers, preferences, managing, cutting, stepping,
Similar to would: factors, york, portfolios, survival, concerns,

Average loss after epoch  5 :  10.4424061714
Similar to than: declines, teams, here, president, imbalances,
Similar to his: six, money, caused, department, gradual,
Similar to we: made, major, november, knowing, spending,
Similar to last: appeals, believe, investor, into, dodge,
Similar to u.s.: marks, latest, export, described, labor,
Similar to mr.: status, will, contractor, spokesman, miles,
Similar to n't: preferences, managers, managing, cutting, stepping,
Similar to would: factors, york, portfolios, survival, concerns,

Average loss after epoch  6 :  8.91055996907
Similar to than: declines, teams, here, president, snapped,
Similar to his: six, money, caused, department, gradual,
Similar to we: made, major, november, knowing, started,
Similar to last: appeals, believe, investor, into, thing,
Similar to u.s.: marks, labor, latest, export, described,
Similar to mr.: status, will, contractor, spokesman, engineers,
Similar to n't: preferences, managers, managing, cutting, stepping,
Similar to would: factors, survival, portfolios, york, city,

Average loss after epoch  7 :  6.77055571095
Similar to than: declines, teams, here, president, snapped,
Similar to his: six, caused, money, gradual, department,
Similar to we: made, november, major, knowing, started,
Similar to last: appeals, believe, investor, thing, into,
Similar to u.s.: marks, labor, latest, export, described,
Similar to mr.: status, contractor, will, spokesman, engineers,
Similar to n't: preferences, managers, managing, cutting, monetary,
Similar to would: factors, york, portfolios, survival, city,

Average loss after epoch  8 :  6.54217958068
Similar to than: declines, teams, here, president, snapped,
Similar to his: six, caused, money, gradual, department,
Similar to we: made, november, major, knowing, started,
Similar to last: appeals, believe, investor, thing, into,
Similar to u.s.: marks, labor, latest, described, image,
Similar to mr.: status, contractor, will, spokesman, engineers,
Similar to n't: preferences, managers, managing, monetary, cutting,
Similar to would: factors, portfolios, york, survival, city,

Average loss after epoch  9 :  5.45150865576
Similar to than: declines, teams, here, sharply, snapped,
Similar to his: six, caused, gradual, money, department,
Similar to we: made, november, major, started, knowing,
Similar to last: appeals, believe, investor, thing, into,
Similar to u.s.: marks, labor, latest, commerce, image,
Similar to mr.: status, contractor, spokesman, will, engineers,
Similar to n't: preferences, managers, managing, monetary, stepping,
Similar to would: factors, portfolios, survival, york, guterman,

The word2id and id2word code explained

import collections
l=lambda x: (-x[1],x[0])

word2id = dict(zip(words, range(len(words))))
id2word = dict(zip(word2id.values(), word2id.keys()))
('a', 'c', 'b')
{'c': 1, 'a': 0, 'b': 2}
{0: 'a', 1: 'c', 2: 'b'}

results matching ""

    No results matching ""