import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data
%matplotlib inline
print ("packs loaded")
packs loaded
Download and Extract MNIST dataset
print ("Download and Extract MNIST dataset")
mnist = input_data.read_data_sets('data/', one_hot=True)
print (" tpye of 'mnist' is %s" % (type(mnist)))
print (" number of trian data is %d" % (mnist.train.num_examples))
print (" number of test data is %d" % (mnist.test.num_examples))
Download and Extract MNIST dataset
Extracting data/train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz
Extracting data/train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz
Extracting data/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz
Extracting data/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz
tpye of 'mnist' is <class 'tensorflow.contrib.learn.python.learn.datasets.mnist.DataSets'>
number of trian data is 55000
number of test data is 10000
print ("What does the data of MNIST look like?")
trainimg = mnist.train.images
trainlabel = mnist.train.labels
testimg = mnist.test.images
testlabel = mnist.test.labels
print (" type of 'trainimg' is %s" % (type(trainimg)))
print (" type of 'trainlabel' is %s" % (type(trainlabel)))
print (" type of 'testimg' is %s" % (type(testimg)))
print (" type of 'testlabel' is %s" % (type(testlabel)))
print (" shape of 'trainimg' is %s" % (trainimg.shape,))
print (" shape of 'trainlabel' is %s" % (trainlabel.shape,))
print (" shape of 'testimg' is %s" % (testimg.shape,))
print (" shape of 'testlabel' is %s" % (testlabel.shape,))
What does the data of MNIST look like?
type of 'trainimg' is <type 'numpy.ndarray'>
type of 'trainlabel' is <type 'numpy.ndarray'>
type of 'testimg' is <type 'numpy.ndarray'>
type of 'testlabel' is <type 'numpy.ndarray'>
shape of 'trainimg' is (55000, 784)
shape of 'trainlabel' is (55000, 10)
shape of 'testimg' is (10000, 784)
shape of 'testlabel' is (10000, 10)
print ("How does the training data look like?")
nsample = 5
randidx = np.random.randint(trainimg.shape[0], size=nsample)
for i in randidx:
curr_img = np.reshape(trainimg[i, :], (28, 28))
curr_label = np.argmax(trainlabel[i, :] )
plt.matshow(curr_img, cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray'))
plt.title("" + str(i) + "th Training Data "
+ "Label is " + str(curr_label))
print ("" + str(i) + "th Training Data "
+ "Label is " + str(curr_label))
How does the training data look like?
5847th Training Data Label is 3
11646th Training Data Label is 5
5996th Training Data Label is 6
41841th Training Data Label is 2
15149th Training Data Label is 4

print ("Batch Learning? ")
batch_size = 100
batch_xs, batch_ys = mnist.train.next_batch(batch_size)
print ("type of 'batch_xs' is %s" % (type(batch_xs)))
print ("type of 'batch_ys' is %s" % (type(batch_ys)))
print ("shape of 'batch_xs' is %s" % (batch_xs.shape,))
print ("shape of 'batch_ys' is %s" % (batch_ys.shape,))
Batch Learning?
type of 'batch_xs' is <type 'numpy.ndarray'>
type of 'batch_ys' is <type 'numpy.ndarray'>
shape of 'batch_xs' is (100, 784)
shape of 'batch_ys' is (100, 10)
print ("5. Get Random Batch with 'np.random.randint'")
randidx = np.random.randint(trainimg.shape[0], size=batch_size)
batch_xs2 = trainimg[randidx, :]
batch_ys2 = trainlabel[randidx, :]
print ("type of 'batch_xs2' is %s" % (type(batch_xs2)))
print ("type of 'batch_ys2' is %s" % (type(batch_ys2)))
print ("shape of 'batch_xs2' is %s" % (batch_xs2.shape,))
print ("shape of 'batch_ys2' is %s" % (batch_ys2.shape,))
5. Get Random Batch with 'np.random.randint'
type of 'batch_xs2' is <type 'numpy.ndarray'>
type of 'batch_ys2' is <type 'numpy.ndarray'>
shape of 'batch_xs2' is (100, 784)
shape of 'batch_ys2' is (100, 10)
array([40597, 27095, 26480, 9962, 40322, 38562, 53100, 29354, 24853,
39323, 12301, 29530, 6876, 17472, 11859, 32907, 31891, 43449,
42376, 22173, 115, 16827, 47957, 10636, 43259, 16207, 33329,
12654, 5640, 6254, 36093, 39494, 45642, 28959, 2347, 1911,
11653, 40175, 28654, 29179, 36227, 3112, 35634, 22400, 38441,
11548, 29659, 39165, 42957, 19418, 3168, 53571, 29323, 8976,
18668, 46934, 19848, 19982, 9148, 16059, 48727, 31939, 11938,
36669, 24021, 31104, 39372, 44231, 10097, 43418, 5704, 17825,
54984, 38007, 2098, 31896, 41666, 8106, 37039, 3065, 44691,
6446, 34830, 26956, 36618, 15762, 17894, 23088, 37065, 41814,
20915, 13454, 43314, 2817, 34319, 13249, 39225, 36624, 53752, 44867])